It’s been a long, cold winter, and Brian and I were starting to feel the effects of shortened walks and seasonal laziness on our waistbands. Eager to keep active and get some exercise during the remaining winter months, we signed up for a family membership at our local YMCA, the newly-renovated Armory Sports Complex.

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Not only is this facility awesome, it’s also two blocks from our apartment, meaning there’s no excuse for missing a run or skipping a Zumba class.
Anyway, as Brian and I donned our gym clothes for our first Saturday workout, I noticed that Sid, had put on his favorite red sweatshirt – just like his dad – and was getting ready to put on Brian’s winter coat.

I realized then that Sid had assumed a “family membership” meant he could work out at the gym, too. It broke my heart to have to explain to Sid that the Y was only for people – no pugs allowed. I said, “Just because the Y doesn’t consider a pug to be a part of a family, doesn’t mean we don’t consider you to be part of our family!” But, alas, Sid would not listen to reason. A thought passed swiftly through his little pug brain: “If I ain’t goin’ to a gym, then nobody’s goin’ to a gym!”
Without missing a beat, Sid deployed the craftiest of all tantrums; it’s a tantrum so effective, so subtle, that it’s not until hours later when you realize he’s even thrown a tantrum at all.
We call this: Wombat Mode.
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