Archive for 2011


After all the excitement of going to the off-leash hours in the park every morning this week, Sid needed some time just to chill out and relax with his mom. He sure is an expert on how to get comfortable.

Sid the Pug (mini comic) Part 3

I got an email from our friends in San Francisco letting us know that their little pug, Bea Arthur, and her spotted sister, Ladybird, have been avidly reading the mini comic (Actually, our friends had to hold a treat in the binding in order to focus their attention).

Well, I know the anticipation has probably been killing you all (yeah, right), but here’s the last two pages of the comic (in case you missed them, here’s part 1 and part 2). Enjoy!

[ Page 6 – An Offer You Can’t Refuse ]

[ The Back Cover – Sid’s Friends & Neighbors* ]

Hope you enjoyed them all. I plan on doing some more strips featuring Sid and some of his other friends. Luckily, he provides great comic moments every single day – now I just need to draw them!

* Of course Sid has many other wonderful friends and neighbors but unfortunately I had limited space so I’m sorry I wasn’t able to include everyone! Pug shout outs to those I wasn’t able to fit in: Ladybird; Sherman; George Michael & Maeby (the cats, not their namesakes from A.D.); Flower, Birdie, & Zooey; Lizzy; Minnie Moo & Lincoln; Bowie; Payton; and Klaus & Natty!


With summer right around the corner, we’re trying to implement a new routine in which we actually wake up before work and take Sid to Prospect Park for the off-leash dog hours. The blog F’d in Park Slope had a really funny post about the off-leash hours, equating it to Spring Break in Miami Beach, but for dogs. It’s a very apt description.

We’d taken Sid to the park in the morning but never to the long meadow area where the off-leash party takes place. This weekend we decided it was about time. On Saturday of all days, we somehow managed to get up early (for us!) and hurried him over to the off-leash area just before 9am – when the off-leash time ends. We ran into about a half-dozen other pug regulars and we all had a wonderful time – but of course we forgot to bring the camera…We’re really not morning people.

So, on Monday, we made sure to bring along the camera in order to document pugs in the wild.

Sid unleashed

We didn’t bump into any of the pug friends from Saturday, but instead were greeted by two new non-pug friends. Well, truth be told, one was a half-pug, but Sid took an immediate shine to the tiny jack russel mix named Zoey.

Sid's new friend, Zoey

Zoey was already running around in giant loops like a maniac when we arrived and Sid quickly took to her tail. As far as pugs go, Sid is actually quite athletic and managed to keep up with her pretty well. Eventually she abruptly skidded to a stop and flipped onto her back. Sid wasn’t sure what to do.

Sid isn't sure what to make of Zoey

Zoey started coyly tossing herself from side-to-side and, after a moment’s hesitation, Sid actually started playing. I know this may seem like normal dog behaviour, but Sid is typically the third wheel at the dog park. He’ll find two dogs having a great time and unsucccessfully attempt to butt in. This time a dog was actually playing with him!

Sid and Zoey playing

It wasn’t long before Zoey’s brother, Elliot, got into the action – though he seemed content to sniff from the sidelines.

While it was clear that our pug buddy enjoyed himself at the park, Sid had no problem leaving when it was time to go. His new dog friends are at the park, but home is where the treats are.

Makin’ the Bed

Gotta get that blanket jusssst right…

Happy Pug-Momma’s Day

Sid the Pug (mini comic) Part 2

For those that enjoyed Sid the Pug – Part 1, here’s the next 3 pages of the mini comic.

[ Pages 3 & 4 – Sid’s Dreams ]

[ Page 5 – Big Tree-cisions ]

Just Keepin’ an Eye on the Tupperware

As you’re all probably aware by now, Sid has a weakness, no – an obsession – with Tupperware. The other day he was just hanging out, “minding his own business” right next to the bookcase that houses all of said Tupperware. I know he was really casing the area for his next big score.

A thin plastic lid makes him weak in the knees. What a doofus.