Archive for 2011
Your Daily Siddhartha (Days 1 and 2)
In April of 2010, while we were still living in Glendale, CA, Jenn and I took an amazing two-week trip to Europe.
This was the first time we had been away from Sid for this long, so we enlisted our good friend Adam to watch over and supervise the little bugger.
Adam is a good sport, and despite dealing with the exhaustive list of Sid’s daily duties (e.g., 7am breakfast, confidence shirts, twice-a-day walks, letting the little gremlin sleep in the bed, etc.) he also managed to film a short video each day we were away. All the places we stayed in Europe had internet access so we were able to keep up with the enigma that is Sid. Yes, I know, we’re obsessed about the little dude.
Adam clearly has a knack for this sort of thing, and these videos far outshine any video Jenn and I have made to date, so we wanted to share them with you. Here are the first two days (more to come this month):
Day 1: Sid takes his morning’s pee
Day 2: Sid heads downstairs to greet the day–R1ljhg
Sid’s Best Day Ever
After Sid’s Christmas 2010 “Blizzard of Toys” (parts 1 and 2), you’d think we would take a break from spoiling the little dude and let our bank account recover. We’ll, you’d be wrong.
Whenever we order stuff from Amazon, we always wind up tacking a dog toy or seven onto the order. So when Jenn ordered her 2011 desk calendar on December 22nd, we added on a few items for the Sid-man. Whether it was the blizzard, the free super-saver shipping, or the general holiday craziness, we’ll never know, but our package wound up getting severely delayed.
It finally showed up today.
Remember the baby frog that Sid got from Grandma Demski back in October? Well, he had practically worn the thing out from chewing and licking and other forms of man-handling, so he was practically floored when a brand spanking new one showed up today in the package from Amazon.
After a swipe with his deft hand, Sid knocked Frog 2.0™ to the floor and began the process of attacking it via a method referred to as “death by saliva”.