Archive for 2011

The Perils of a May-December Romance

You work hard all day long to bring home the bacon.  You spend eight long hours in that rat race, and when you’re finally off the clock, you just want to sit back with your newspaper, spend some time alone, and unwind.

But your impossibly young and adoring wife has spent all day home, alone, watching the soaps and folding the laundry, dying for a chance to talk to somebody – anybody – about all of the thoughts and ideas and dreams that run through her pretty little head and she just wants to play, just for a little bit – why can’t she play, huh?  Why can’t she have a little excitement in her day?

But you work so hard. All you want is some peace and quiet, a hot home-cooked meal and just some time to relax, take your mind off things, perhaps chew on your favorite potato. But there she is.  This beautiful, needy, exquisite young woman for whom you have to keep working so dang hard to keep happy. Because, really, would this hot little lady be with an old curmudgeon like you if you weren’t bringing home that bacon?

You could’ve settled down with a woman your own age, a more mature woman with an established sense of self and a little less energy.  But, more than silence, more than serenity, you want to be able to look up from your newspaper at night and see that face – those perky ears, those big, black, beady eyes, that tongue that seems to go on for miles and miles. And so you give in. You roll over.  You play.  She wins.

The Softer Side of Sid

Today’s video may tarnish Sid’s well-honed reputation as a toy-tossing, couch-climbing, gate-jumping party animal with a taste for adventure and a total disregard for authority.

Pump up the volume to hear some major pug purrs from your favorite sleepy-eyed tough-guy.

Snuggle Pugs

Although Sid is a bit of an aloof tough guy most of the time, his softer side does occasionally come out. Nice work, Miss Timothy Buttons.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things…

So, as Brian mentioned, Sid got one of his birthday presents early.  It’s a giant, unwieldy snake-like monster with very, very loud squeakers running up and down it’s body, crinkly arms, and a rattler in its tail.   Sid’s only allowed to play with it for, like, five minutes, once a day, because he turns into a MANIAC when it’s around.

“Awww, but look at Sid, so calmly snuggling with his cuddly new squeaky snake,” you say.  What a sweetheart, right?

Thankfully we have a video camera to capture the truth:

They Say It’s Your Birthday!

Today is Sid’s big day and we kicked off the celebration with a pug cake. Well, it wasn’t technically a cake but rather a combination of some of his favorite treats.

We started with one de-cored apple, slathered on some chunky all-natural peanut butter, and topped the whole thing with carrot slivers to serve as the candles (he’s six this year). We set up a towel for him to eat this goopy mega-treat on but he immediately plucked it up and toted it over to his bed where he started going to town.

In order to try and encourage him to slow down a little and savor the experience, we took the cake away for a moment…

…and of course his little pug face immediately dropped. It’s Okay, buddy, you can have the cake back now.

Timothy Buttons, who was over for the party, made sure no peanut butter drippings got left behind. She’s a smart girl and knew better than to get between an obsessive Birthday Pug and his cake!

In addition to the cake and Sid’s Secret Toy (which we’ll reveal tomorrow) he also got a flat plush rabbit raccoon (You were right, Payton!).

Like the Secret Toy, the flat rabbit raccoon also brought out the wild animal in him!

Sid, let’s calm down a little. We don’t want that cake to come back up!

 All in all it was one excellent Birthday. Sid is one happy (and spoiled) 6-year-old!

Birthday Eve

Tomorrow is Sid’s 6th Birthday, so we’ve been getting plans together for a celebration he won’t soon forget.

We’ve got a Birthday cake planned that will contain all his favorite edibles – juicy apples, tantalizing carrots, and pugtastic peanut butter. Ok, sorry if I made some of you hungry just now. We’ve also got a giant plush surprise for him – well, not really a surprise per se since we kinda let him play with it last night. If you want to see Sid’s wild side be sure to stay tuned for the video of him with his new toy.

We’d like invite all pugs, non-pugs, and humans to celebrate with us. Give your dogs a few extra treats on Sid’s behalf.


Thanks to the votes of his loyal friends and fans, Sid made it as a finalist in the Curly Tail Pug Rescue 2012 Calendar Contest. Thank you all for your votes!

But the contest is not over yet and the votes are still important to ensure he gets on a page in the calendar.

Here are the links to vote:

(Sid’s fur-pals, Mochi, Macho, and Marshmallow are also finalists for February and May! Congrats you guys!)

So just to remind you of how calendar-worthy Sid is, here’s some cute shots of him from this past weekend.