Sharp-dressed Pug
We live in an age of dressed-down comfort. Between business casual offices and the acceptability of wearing yoga pants as pants-pants, there just aren’t many opportunities to don fancy attire in today’s world. Consequently, Sid’s favorite bow-tie has been collecting dust in his wardrobe closet for quite some time.
In fact, the last time Sid donned his bow-tie was for a gate-jumpin’ photo shoot back in California.
Yeah, that’s right. Sid doesn’t let his athletic pursuits compromise his debonair sense of style.
But that was over two years ago!
Well, lucky for Sid, a bow-tie-worthy occasion arose this evening, and what’dya know? The ol’ black tie still fits!
But where was Sid going that warranted such formal attire? Hmm…Could it have anything to do with one of these little ladies? We’re dying to find out!
We let Sid borrow the camera for the night, and as soon as we get those photos developed we’re posting them straight to the blog…