Archive for 2011

Sharp-dressed Pug

We live in an age of dressed-down comfort.  Between business casual offices and the acceptability of wearing yoga pants as pants-pants, there just aren’t many opportunities to don fancy attire in today’s world.  Consequently, Sid’s favorite bow-tie has been collecting dust in his wardrobe closet for quite some time.

In fact, the last time Sid donned his bow-tie was for a gate-jumpin’ photo shoot back in California.

Yeah, that’s right.  Sid doesn’t let his athletic pursuits compromise his debonair sense of style.

But that was over two years ago!

Well, lucky for Sid, a bow-tie-worthy occasion arose this evening, and what’dya know?  The ol’ black tie still fits!


But where was Sid going that warranted such formal attire?  Hmm…Could it have anything to do with one of these little ladies?  We’re dying to find out!

We let Sid borrow the camera for the night, and as soon as we get those photos developed we’re posting them straight to the blog…



The image below represents Sid when we ask him to do something he doesn’t want to.

I can’t hear you…

On a more serious note:

Please keep Sid’s little friend Winston in your thoughts. He’s got pneumonia (in the summer!) and had to spend the last two nights at the vet’s office. We ran into his humans yesterday and they said he’s going to be on some antibiotics and should be fine soon – but, as Puglet says, he could always use some “good juju” sent his way.

Ten Minutes

How much trouble can a pug get into in ten minutes?

Ohhhh, you’d be surprised.

Does this look like the face of guilt? Well, it should.

Let me back up a bit. I was feeling a little thirsty yesterday evening, so I ran out to the corner store to grab a soda. Jenn was out of the house, so I left Sid home alone. I was gone for about ten minutes and this is what I came home to.

The destroyed package wasn’t neatly displayed on our counter, though. It was on the floor of the bedroom, and our little rug was dappled with slightly-chewed morsels of cookie and gobs of cream filling mashed into the fibers.

This was not good on many levels.

First – I don’t know how many Newman’s Ginger-O’s a pug is supposed to eat in one sitting, but this definitely seemed larger than the recommended portion size. Second – Jenn specifically bought these cookies for herself because I, Brian, have this problem where I end up eating all the cookies before she has a chance to even eat one. Well, at least that won’t be an issue this time. And Third – the cookies were stored up on shelf #4 which Sid has never gotten into before. We always kept some food/produce up there because we figured it was beyond his reach. I guess we now have to keep anything edible on the top shelf. Thanks, dude.

Luckily the local emergency vet (who probably know us by name at this point) said our little gurgitator should be ok since there were no toxic ingredients in the cookies (Thank you, Paul Newman!).

Anyway – I hope you’re happy, fatso.

P.S. Now, don’t you pugs out there reading this get any ideas! Sid did get a severe “talking to” and we may have to take away his blog commenting privileges.

Friday Frog Fetching

Sid and I have this game we play called Froggie Catch. It basically consists of me tossing his mini plush frog (one of his favorite toys) to him from varying distances. He’s actually gotten quite good at catching the frog.

Here’s a little “highlight reel” from our last game. Sorry it’s on the dark side – it has been overcast quite a bit in NYC lately. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Calling All Cute Pugs

I guess it’s a bit redundant to say “cute” when talking about pugs. I mean, pugs are pretty much cute by definition.

How would you like to see your little pug’s mug on a calendar?!

The Curly Tail Pug Rescue is accepting photo submissions for their 2012 calendar.

You can enter by going to their website:

We’ll definitely be entering some photos of Our Man Sid – but how to choose the right one…(if you’re anything like us, your photo library is somewhere around 85-90% pug).

The World is Sid’s Bolster X

In the tenth installment of TWISB, we find Sid using one of the seemingly most-uncomfortable bolsters to date.

Since we don’t actually have a real table (or chairs for that matter!) in our tiny apartment, we eat every meal on little fold-able TV trays while sitting on the loveseat. How romantic, right?!

Anyway, I guess Sid figured that under the TV tray would be the ideal place to chill and patiently wait for a morsel to drop down to his level.

Dweeb or Genius – The Conclusion

So, remember when we asked you all if Sid was a Dweeb Extrordinaire or an Evil Genius? (part 1 and part 2 should refresh your memories)

Well we now have photographic evidence to prove he is an evil genius.

I’m sure you’re all familiar with C. Montgomery Burns (a.k.a Mr. Burns) from the Simpsons. He’s a ruthless, wrinkled man who will do anything it takes to get what he wants.

Well, here’s your ruthless, wrinkled pug who will do anything it takes to get what he wants (and he usually succeeds!).

I know in his head he’s whispering “Excellent!“.