So, my Mom and Dad are always complaining. Complain, complain, complain. Sid, your food is soooo expensive. Sid, your food is soooooo heavy to carry home from the pet store that’s two blocks away because we don’t have a car anymore because we decided to transport you to Brooklyn (I <3 BK!). Sid, they’re always out of the only pre-packaged treats that you’re allowed to eat because you’re allergic to everything and we get soooo annoyed when your allergies flare up!
Well, hellooooo Mr. Chewy.
I went to Mr. Chewy’s website after I received his email, and I followed Noodles’ instructions and searched for venison treats. OMG, you guys, Mr. Chewy had way more venison treats than they have down the street. He also had duck treats, and my mom told me in her sleep one night that I’m allowed to eat duck (I asked her while she was sound asleep and she went “meayurusghsSHRHSARG” or something, which means YES). And on top of just having venison treats and duck treats, he also had venison treats and duck treats that were GRAIN-FREE. And, because I like blueberries and carrots so much, I searched for vegetarian treats, and he had those too! Grain free for super-cool bubble-pugs like me! He even had my healthy mealtime food – Dick Van Patten’s Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Venison and Sweet Potato uber-delicious dry dog food – for way less than my parents pay when they have to schlep the 15 pound bag home on Dad’s back.
So, I placed an order, and TWO DAYS LATER the giant box arrived! Holla!
Mom and Dad let me open the box myself, which was super cool. Mr. Chewy threw in all of this awesome brown thrashing-around paper for free! (Jenn here – thank you, Mr. Chewy, for using pug-friendly packing materials! There’s nothing worse than having to pull styrofoam peanuts from Sid’s iron jaw)


The box in the background is Dad’s cereal. Everyday I ask him to feed me some, and everyday he says no. BUT WHO CARES?!?! LOOK AT ALL OF THOSE TREATS! Didn’t I do an amazing job picking out tons of awesome yummy yum yums to eat? If all of my pug friends out there were at Planet Cool Sid right now, I’d totally take ONE treat from each bag, place those four treats in a pile, and split that pile of treats amongst all of you. I’m such a cool, generous guy.
Oh, and also in the box:

Woo-hoo!! I love Mr. Chewy! (Jenn here, again. Um, yeah, Mr. Chewy’s prices and service were awesome. Of course, we don’t have a car and we’re the type of people who order our groceries online, so, although this has resulted in a Coup de Pug here at Pug Slope – I mean, Planet Cool Sid – we’re totally on board with Mr. Chewy. Back to Sid.)
Now, a word of advice from the ruler of Planet Cool Sid. When welcoming a box full of new yummy yums into your house, it’s important that you make them feel welcome before you eat them.
Pose for stately portraits with them:

Listen to their problems:

And if you find yourself really smitten with one of your new friends, don’t hesitate to spend some time together staring off into the distance.

That’s all for now! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO, Sid!