Archive for 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Please leave any and all leftovers in my bed. Thank you.


Hello Windy City

Sid did extremely well on his flight from NYC to Chicago. It actually wasn’t nearly as stressful as the first time he went on a plane. This time I was prepared! He was getting smiles left and right as he strolled through both airports and a few people even asked to get a picture of him (without even being aware of his internet fame! LOL).

Since I didn’t have room to bring the entire Sid Accessory Kit™ with me on the plane, he even managed to obtain ANOTHER brand new bed, despite just getting one for his Birthday in October. As you can see in the photo below, he approves of the new bed.

Just Chillin’

Hey everyone!

Sorry we’ve been a bit absent from the blog-o-sphere lately. There’s been a lot going on at the PugSlope HQ and Sid has been doing his best to unwind amidst all the commotion.

As you can plainly see, he’s having no trouble doing so.

We’re actually getting ready for a trip to Chicago so he can visit his grand-pug-rents, fur-cousins, and other relations for the holidays. This will be his SECOND trip via air, so of course I’m a little on edge. Luckily, “Mr. Cool” seems plenty confident due to the wings he received from Suki on the occasion of his first flight last year. Plus, I think he remembers last year that while on the plane in his travel bag he received a stready stream of treats.

“Uh, did someone say the ‘T’ word?”

Trick or TREAT?!

Oh, hey, everybody.  So, I was just hangin’ out this afternoon in my new x-ray pantsuit and monitoring the neighborhood when I saw some kids walk up to the building across the street, yell “trick or treat!”, and then get handed TREATS by the bozos who opened the door!  WTP?!

All these years I’ve been doing all this work, Jimmy-ing, going down, staying, leaving it, finding it, sitting in my bed, trying to get one measly treat per feat of strength from my parents, when the people across the street will just HAND ME TREATS with the mere threat of a trick?!


 Ooof.  If I could just…climb…

Maybe if I squeeze to the left…Ergh…YOWWCH!

Um, could somebody please take me outside?

So long, Sandy!

Well, the PugSlope Headquarters and all of its residents survived Hurricane Sandy unscathed.  We were very fortunate – our power stayed on and there was no damage to our apartment due to wind or rain.  Sid thinks it’s because he’s oh-so intimidating, but the truth is we were just lucky.

Don’t mess with me, Sandy.

 Now we’ll be doing what we can to help things get back to normal in NYC, and we hope that some of you can help out too.  If you’re local, shelters across the city are taking donations of clothing.   And from anywhere in the country, you can automatically donate $10 to the Red Cross by texting REDCROSS to the number 90999, or you can donate larger amounts at

And, on a lighter note, Sid emerged from the hurricane with his gentleman’s dignity in tact.  The poor guy went almost 18 hours without doing any business in the apartment, even after I encouraged him to do so by setting up a very appealing indoor pee park:

Luckily, when we woke up at 8am, the winds had died down enough to get him outside.  Poor guy barely made it to the sidewalk!!



I’ve been doing a lot of Googling, and apparently a hurricane is a gigantic storm with really strong winds and it has an eye or something.  Like this:

Mom says I shouldn’t worry because we’re totally prepared and there’s all sorts of extra food in the house and a gazillion baby carrots in the fridge (I’ve yet to see any!) and my safe crate is all set up, and the bathtub is full of water, and we have five flashlights even though we only have two hands to hold them, but I’m still feeling a little like this:

I bet if I had a peanut-butter Kong bone I’d totally be feeling less panicky right now.  Hint hint.

Good luck to everybody who’s in Sandy’s path! Stay safe and stay dry!

More Special Guests!

Sid’s been the center of attention since his b-day earlier this month, and amid all the craziness of 1000 Pugs weekend, he also had two special non-pug (i.e. human) visitors.

It was Payton‘s ‘rents, Tim and Christy! They were in NYC for the last leg of their multi-city Remembering Payton tour and the NY/NJ 1000 Pugs photo shoot.

As soon as T & C set foot into PugSlope HQ, Sid knew he was in for a treat. Especially when he noticed the bright-colored gift bag Christy was toting. Like most of his flat-faced bretheren, Sid assumes that any bag or box that enters his domain (our apartment) is undeniably his. This time, he was actually right.

If I get close enough, I think I can see through the wrapping paper.

The first gift was a plush IntelliBone which is one of those puzzle-type toys that Sid goes ga-ga over. Plus every little component has a sqeaker inside so his mind was definitely blown.

It didn’t take Sid very long to pull all the plush donuts off the center bone, at which point he decided to show off by coyly using the bone as a head-rest. Yes, we are now justified when referring to him as a bonehead. Wah-wah.

This is how we store our bones on Planet Cool Sid.

Of course, we couldn’t just let him sit there all smug with his little peanut head resting on that bone. So we put the donuts back on. And he took them off again and proceeded to perch his head, victorious, on the bone again. After repeating this process a few more times, Sid was losing steam. By the end of night he just laid there like this:

Every five seconds or so, he’d gently squeeze the bone, just to confirm it was still there in his mouth and that he wasn’t dreaming.

But the excitement wasn’t over just yet. Another package was pulled from the bag. Inside was a framed photo of the fabulous Miss P herself along with a very special confidence shirt.

This shirt is actually the one that Payton is wearing in the photo. We were all moved by this very thoughtful gift (even Sid blushed – though he’ll never admit it) and were so glad we got to spend some time with such a great couple.