Hi everyone! I hope you all had a nice relaxing Labor Day weekend. I was glued to a pillow about 85% of the time but the other 15% was filled with an ADVENTURE! Not only did it involve the dog beach, but it also involved some very special guests.
Guess who?!

Why it was none other than the petite pair, Donald and Daisy (from Pug-a-Boo) along with their ‘rents, Christy and Tim.
When we arrived at Foster Beach the sun was shining brightly, the temperature was pleasantly warm but not pug-melting, and there was a nice breeze coming in off the water. Donald and I immediately took off through the sand and barked “hello” to the other dogs also out enjoying the fine day.

The two dudes cruising for adventure.
It is an understatement to say that Daisy wasn’t a huge fan of the sand, and although she did hobble around a bit, her tail expressed her true feelings on the subject.

The lovely, though a bit perturbed, Daisy and me.
We tried to get some group photos but all three of us pugs did not feel like sitting still. There were far to many new smells to sniff, dogs to chase, and humans that potentially had treats.

Tim was able to wrangle Donald and Daisy for a nice photo, but I was off romping through the waves at this point. I guess it truly is a challenge to keep three pugs in one place at the same time!

I’ll have to tell you all about the insane waves and our outdoor lunch later this week! To be continued…