Post-Holiday Crash
Sid and I hope everyone had a great holiday. We’ve been laying low the past few days, watching some movies at home, and trying our best to stay warm. Ever since the Christmas festivities wound down, Sid has been predominantly in a horizontal position, purring like a 4-stroke engine.
The reason why Sid is so tuckered out is because he went on a twinkling-light-filled bender last week. Here’s a collage of his descent into holiday madness (double-click to enlarge the image…that is, if you can handle the insanity).
One incident of which no photographic material exists, but I’m sure Sid will never forget, involved a certain pug hurling himself into the air, batting an entire shrimp cocktail platter onto the ground, and chowing down on said shrimp cocktail platter while all humans present looked on in horror. Based upon the speed at which Sid normally inhales his dinner and how many seconds had elapsed before I was able to intervene (approx. five), I suspect he slurped down about 4 or 5 shrimp. Probably the tails, too. And some of the sauce.
Sid’s rampage continued into the living room where he tore open numerous presents, many of which weren’t even his. He thought the new puffy coat for my brother-in-law was his new bed and started digging/nesting in it. He rummaged through the bag of discarded wrapping paper, certain that a package of venison treats must have slipped through the cracks. On numerous occasions he tried to recreate his earlier moment of triumph by awkwardly batting at any and all items that were within 6 inches from the edge of a tabletop. He does have amazing reaching skills but I’m happy to report his further attempts proved unsuccessful…well, to him anyway.
It’s no wonder the dude needs to recuperate.
December 30th, 2013 at 3:09 pm
Sid, we are soo jealous of your shrimp feast. Can you believe that on Christmas Eve, the peeps made the three of us watch from the bedroom while the whole family dined on a grand buffet of shrimp, crab, ribs and more. Next year we will be at your house for shrimp cocktail!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta
December 30th, 2013 at 3:50 pm
Oh Dude. . .
Did you think Santa was no longer watching???? I have maintained being good to the nth degree. A certain maltese mix, however. . . not so much.
I am envious that you are hunkered down with your human watching movies and eating popcorn. My human is working. The injustice of it all!
Happy New Year SID (and human Brian)
Love Noodles
December 30th, 2013 at 3:54 pm
Man, if we were there we would have pinched (gently) that tushie sticking out of the bag!
Happy New Year S & B!
Scarlet & Meredith
December 30th, 2013 at 8:58 pm
Oh Sid– after reading all this news about you– I decided you have lots of energy and have lots of mischief in you like me.
I am glad you did not get sick after eating all the shrimpys
January 2nd, 2014 at 9:45 pm
Sounds like you had an epic holiday. You have to be careful though, or you won’t get invited back!
Thank pug of all the things you are allergic to, shellfish is not one!
Don’t feel too bad. We probably would have done the same thing plus get into a brawl.
January 8th, 2014 at 9:03 pm
You totally scored this Christmas Sid! I remember what a great gift opener you are. Just tell your dad that such athletic pugs, like yourself, need a few “extra” treats from time to time and if he won’t give them to you, you will just find another way.