Birthday Week Begins!

Hi Pug Slopers!

OHMYPUG! I’m just so excited! You know why I’m so excited? Well, because this is my favorite week of the year. And you know why it’s my favorite week of the year? Well, that’s easy – because it’s my BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! Woop!

My 8th Birthday is on Friday and that means this week will be filled with extra treats, extra belly rubs, and hopefully a new toy or two. I know I already have a ton of toys but nothing beats a FRESH one – with a functional squeaker.

I’ve been getting myself psyched up by looking at some of my previous Birthday posts. Here’s a few to show what awesomeness may be in store…

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7 Responses to “Birthday Week Begins!”

  1. avatar Noodles Says:

    OMP Sid!!! I am so happy for you. Turning 8! You don’t look a day over 4, I swear. I hope you have boundless belly rubs, mountains of baby carrots, and new toys with functional squeakers. You deserve that and more.
    Love Noodles

  2. avatar urban hounds Says:

    Happy happy b day and I would think you were 8, no worries though its young. Tubby is 12 Norbert is 11 and Ping is ten so you are a baby next to them. I hope you get a mound of peanut butter dipped carrots

    urban hounds

  3. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ (@MeredithLeBlanc) Says:

    WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! YAY!!!!! We’re going to celebrate with you!!!!!!!!

    Meredith & Scarlet

  4. avatar Idaho PugRanch Says:

    WOW a whole week to celebrate the awsomeness that is Sid!!!
    Happy Birthday! We had to check out the “this is why we don’t have nice things” post HA HA. I do the same thing with some of my favorite toys!
    Bailey & Hazel too

  5. avatar Payton's Gampy Says:

    I knew you were special! I’m 65 tomorrow Sid!

    Love, Gampy

  6. avatar tweedles Says:

    happy birthdays and happy October to you!
    thank you for visting me

  7. avatar Payton's mom Says:

    A cool pug like you totally deserve a whole week, at least, to celebrate.