Green Gardens

All the trees, flowers, and plants in our neighborhood have been very happy this summer. Since the temperatures have been very mild and we’ve had plenty of thunderstorms roll though the Midwest, there’s been plenty of water and sun for all our chlorophyll-containing companions.

Look how GREEN it is here!


We’ve also been lucky in that our neighbors have been supplying us with a steady stream of fresh tomatoes from the gigantic tomato plants that have overtaken the backyard! Sid loves to eat tomatoes (as you probably would have expected)!

We hope the green-ness sticks around for at least another month!

P.S. We also hope all our friends (both human and fur varieties) in Texas are safe and sound!

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4 Responses to “Green Gardens”

  1. avatar Noodles Says:

    I loves Summer and all of the fresh produce. I visited a cousin’s house a couple of years back and she had a ROW of cherry tomatoes. I was in heaven!
    Love Noodles

  2. avatar idaho pugranch Says:

    We have cherry tomato plants that are loaded with sweet tomatoes. Hazel is in heaven
    Hazel & Mabel

  3. avatar Princess Leah Says:

    You look sooo handsome there Sid.
    How lucky to have such generous tomato giving neighbours!Now if you could just persuade them to grow baby carrots life would be pawfect!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. avatar Payton's mom Says:

    Donald snagged a tomato that the outdoor critters already picked at, but our vet said he’ll be ok. Silly pug. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the nice summer!