June 6th, 2016 by Brian
We’ve had some really sunny and warm weather here in Chicago which has been lovely. And when the sun comes out, so does the tongue. Well, Sid’s tongue I mean.

So many flowers are in full bloom…

…but no time to stop for a sniff today because we’ve got to get this pug hydrated!

Back to the Pug Slope Headquarters where your pre-cooled water awaits!
May 25th, 2016 by Brian
So, in case you were wondering, this is what happens when you delegate household chores to your pug:

I should have known this would happen when he negotiated for “treats up front”.
Oh well, live and learn.
May 20th, 2016 by Sid
OK, I know you’ve been just DYING TO KNOW what was on the other side of that fountain that I wrote about earlier this week.
Well, it was none other than Minnie and Max, the celebrity head-tilting pug pair, along with three-dozen or so of their flat-faced fans.

I immediately hopped over the fountain to say hi to Minnie and Max and all the other pugs. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen this many curly tails in one place!

I even ran into my fellow Chicago friends Violet and Timmy! If you remember, I met them last summer on the Chicago Canine Cruise. We talked shop about manipulating our humans to get more treats and how to avoid walks when it’s raining outside.

They also informed me that Minnie and Max were in town for the Milwaukee Pug Fest. Violet and Timmy were planning to caravan up there along with them after this pug party.
When this many pugs get together there is bound to be some games of bitey-face going on!

I didn’t get an individual photo with Minnie and Max but I did get in the massive group shot. I’m near the middle leaning to one side (posing tip: it makes you look cooler when you lean to one side and stare off into the distance). Also, this represents only about HALF the pugs that attended the party.

(Photo courtesy of Minnie and Max)
I had such a crazy fun time! I was totally wiped out by the time the party wrapped up and I slept the whole train ride home. Hope to see and sniff all these lovely pug faces again soon!

May 18th, 2016 by Sid
Hey there all you adorable denizens of Pug Slope, USA. Sid here with you today and boy do I have an adventure to tell you about!
On Saturday, my dad got me up earlier than usual and frantically gathered up all my day-trip accessories: red travel bag, portable water dish, stylish bandana, and the most important thing – treats. Before I knew it, we were on the El train rumbling our way downtown.

We arrived at this quaint little dog park in Lake Shore East Park. Not only was it filled with tons of shade-providing trees and bumpy hills with fake turf but there was a magnificent stone water fountain right in the middle of the dog park!

As you know, I’m totally obsessed with water, so I just HAD to check this thing out up close.

After pouring into the main reservoir, the water flowed into a little stream that snaked through the dog park. All the pups enjoyed getting a cool, clean drink from the stream. As usual, I preferred to play in it.

I couldn’t believe my luck when I looked up and saw a fellow pug taking a drink right from the stream!

And then another pug joined us. And then ANOTHER! The pugs seemed to be multiplying from the other side of the fountain. Was there some kind of cloning machine over there?
I stood up on my hind legs to peer over the fountain and get a closer look…

Guys, you are NOT GOING TO BELIEVE WHAT I SAW… (to be continued)
May 13th, 2016 by Brian
Some days, just going for your afternoon walk requires way too much effort. For Sid, today happened to be one of those days.

I think he may have been partying too late last night.

Or perhaps it was a series of intense dreams that prevented him from getting his normal 12 to 14 hours of shut-eye.

Or maybe this is all just a ploy to get us back home faster so he can get his routine post-walk treat.

Okay, okay, little guy. Let’s get you back home and revive you with some baby carrots!
Hope you all have a relaxing weekend! I know we will!
May 6th, 2016 by Brian
Yesterday the sun was shining and the air was warm so Sid and I took a long post-dinner ramble through our neighborhood. We made a point to venture down some streets we’d never been on before.
We were greeted with lovely sights and smells in the form of Spring flowers.

Like bees, we bounced from flower to flower and we eventually ended up at one of my favorite parks, River Park. Sid got to go off his leash and explore on his own for a bit.

After debating which way to go he eventually led us to a lovely spot of the park filled with red and pink flowering trees.

We even found some Lilac bushes which are one of my personal favorites. I had to lift Sid up to smell them though because they are out of normal muzzle reach.

Have you had a chance to see and smell any spring flowers yet?
April 28th, 2016 by Brian
Those of you that have been following Pug Slope for a while know that Sid has a thing for bolsters. He’ll use just about anything for a bolster, whether it’s a plush toy, someone’s leg, or even the edge of a laundry basket. It doesn’t matter if the object is hard or soft, small or large. If a pug’s head can be rested on it, Sid will plop his little cranium down on said object.

I was wondering why Sid was taking so long to warm up to the new fancy bed he got for his 10th Birthday this past October, but today I think he finally figured out what makes this bed so amazing and now he can’t get enough of it.

Holy big billowing bolsters, Batman! And he doesn’t even need to lay down to use them!