April 13th, 2015 by Sid
Hi friends!
I went on a huge walk the other day to some uncharted territories and came upon a creature I’d never seen before!

When I first saw him, I was a intimidated by his size, and all those mixed up animal parts (I didn’t know if should bark at him, run away from him, or beg him for treats) but eventually I mustered up the courage to get closer for a photo op. Jeff was a pretty friendly dude and explained to me that a Lamassu is a hybrid animal consisting of the body of a bull, the wings of an eagle, and the head of a human (complete with lumberjack beard).
Anyway, it got me thinking about what other animal parts I’d like to acquire to turn myself into a SUPER HYBRID. I definitely think wings would be cool – though I think I’d go with hummingbird wings. It would take squirrel-chasing to a whole new level. I’d go with the head of something with a much bigger mouth – like a whale. That way I could gulp down my food with one bite. I think it might be cool to also get some long front arms – like from a chimpanzee. That way I could reach snacks from all those hiding placing much easier!
If you could swap some parts with another animal what would you choose and why?
April 6th, 2015 by Brian
We were lucky to have some amazing weather this weekend which allowed Sid and I to go on multiple excursions throughout our neighborhood. Always wanting to be in style, Sid refused to leave the house until I accessorized him with his favorite bandana – the black one (of course).

As usual, Sid made a bee line for Winnemac Park which was packed with people and pups out basking in the sun. The park looked really different though because it just had its annual “controlled burn” of the prairie areas completed this week.

Although the areas within the rustic fences look desolate now, the burn kicks the plants into action and soon the native prairie plants and flowers will be sprouting up like crazy.

I think Sid was a little perturbed that someone burned all the dried-up plants he liked to sniff and pee on, but it’s difficult to explain the cycles of nature to a pug.
We continued strolling around the blocks that surround the park and Sid started perking up. We journeyed down a few blocks we’ve never been on before, so I think he was psyched to mark some new turf and check out some unfamiliar scenery.

The signs of Spring were all around us. We found tons of brightly colored crocuses popping up in people’s front yards.

Did anyone else get to go on any Spring adventures this past weekend? If so, Sid and I want to hear about it!
March 30th, 2015 by Brian
Has everybody taken their sunbath today?

Sid, the self-proclaimed “King of Sunbathing”, insists that a daily sunbath is essential to living the complete pug life of leisure (only eating/acquiring treats is more important). He firmly abides by the motto: “Why snore in the shadows, when you can lounge in the light?” I guess I agree with his philosophy – although my fair skin doesn’t handle direct sun exposure very well. I do love the warming effect though, especially since this Midwestern Spring keeps coming and going!
P.S. I also wanted to post a picture of some lovely pink rhododendron flowers I saw over the weekend at the Garfield Park Conservatory (sorry, Sid, pugs were not allowed). These flowers reminded me of Sid’s good pal, Payton the pug, and I’d like to dedicate them to her memory. We miss you, Payton!

March 25th, 2015 by Sid
Hey guys and gals!
So, I don’t know exactly what I did wrong this week, but I think it might have been particularly bad.

Let’s see – I did not go number 1 or number 2 in the house. And I only begged my normal amount. I didn’t eat an entire Basil plant or anything else that my Dad considers off limits. And when my awesome pug-sitters came to watch me while Dad went out of town for the weekend, I didn’t lie to them and tell them I normally get three dinners.

I was a MODEL PUG. So then, why am I being PUNISHED WITH MORE SNOW?!?! Is Canada mad that I said I liked Mexico’s air better and now exacting its revenge?!?!
And to think I finally just got around to ordering some new summer Aviator shades and a bathing suit. Blarg.
March 18th, 2015 by Sid

Hey there, Slopers!
Sid here today. First, I would like to thank you all for stopping by to say hi, have a chat, and snack on some baby carrots. Second, I would like to thank Mexico for sending some of their lovely warm air our way this past weekend. It was a dramatic change from just a few days prior, when everything I know and love was still buried in ice.
Mexico, please send us more of your air any time you like (I’ll take some burritos, too). And Canada, nothing personal but WE DON’T WANT ANYMORE OF YOURS. Sorry it just wasn’t working out. It’s not you, it’s us. Oh wait, no, it’s you.
Back to my point (do I have a point?) – I realized with all this lovely sunshine I might need to acquire some shades. Any of you stylish pups have any recommendations for sunglasses? I may just opt for the classic look of a pair Ray Barks. I think they would go well with my untamed, devil-may-care image that I’ve been working on. What do you think?
March 12th, 2015 by Brian

Before the much-welcomed warm front came through Chicago, Sid and I got one last opportunity for some ice skating. Well, not really skating since I don’t have any skates and we are not yet living in a world where dog skates exist (although I could be wrong about that).

So instead of skating on the ice, we just walked very slowly and zombie-like. There were a few near-wipeouts but miraculously we made it across the whole frozen field without any injuries.
Well, ice, it was nice knowin’ ya, but we’re ready for some Spring weather. See ya!
March 5th, 2015 by Brian

So Sid told me he wants to rewrite the story of Little Red Riding Hood with just a few minor modifications.
He’d like to change the hood color from red to navy blue. And then change the little girl to a little boy. And then change the little boy to a little pug. The whole wolf element will be removed and replaced with the visit of wealthy benevolent aunt that arrives bringing Little Red, I mean Little Blue a basket full of baby carrots. Then Little Blue and the Wealthy Benevolent Aunt will play a game of Squeaker Catch.
Do you think the Brothers Grimm would approve?