January 13th, 2015 by Brian
Pugs can get comfortable anywhere.
Even though Sid has half a dozen beds of his own, a padded fleece carpet, and access to my couch and bed, I still frequently catch him lounging in bizarre places and/or positions. I think it’s just a weird pug thing.

Although, to his credit, the little guy may have actually been doing some post-walk stretches. With the piles of snow and slush our daily walks have turned into more of an adventure than usual.
January 6th, 2015 by Brian
Sid told me that 2015 is going to be the “Year of the Future”. I’m not exactly sure what he meant by that so I asked him to explain further. He continued that this would be the year that truly indestructible squeakers would be discovered, brilliant breakthroughs of growing organic baby carrots would allow production to double, and that rather than use their legs to walk, pugs would start hovering.
Wait. What?!
He then demonstrated what he was talking about.

December 31st, 2014 by Brian

Another year is almost behind us and, as you can see in the photo above, Sid is ready to welcome the new year. We wish everyone good health and happiness in the upcoming year. Plus lots of treats (Sid added that part). It’s been so cold here lately so we’ll probably be staying in and partying at home. Even though Sid is only 9, and thus legally underage, he insists that he should be allowed to have a taste of champagne at midnight. What do you think? Should he get a taste?
December 25th, 2014 by Brian

Sid and I hope everyone is having a great holiday, enjoying some time with family and friends, and eating some seriously delicious food!
Sid & Brian
December 19th, 2014 by Brian

It’s the end of the week! Time to shake it out and get ready for the weekend! I plan to follow Sid’s lead.
(These were among a few of the photos Sid’s pet sitter sent me while I was away last week. Sid had a great time with her and got as many baby carrots as his heart desired. It sure was nice to get back home and see him!)
December 10th, 2014 by Sid
Hi everyone!
Hope you are all doing well. I have to admit, I’ve been a little down in the dumps lately. I think my vitamin D levels might be low or I’ve got a case of seasonal affective disorder or something. It’s been grey and rainy here, day after day, so every time I go out for my walks I end up getting wet and muddy. And to top it off, I saw my human take his suitcase out of the closet last night but I didn’t see him packing any of MY THINGS.

I think all that led to an upset tummy because I was releasing “deadly” gas last night according to my Dad. Blargh. Well, I guess after my awesome Thanksgiving that things had to balance out somehow, you know. Luckily, I’ve got my floppy monkey to help me feel better.
Any tips for picking up your spirits? I guess I am actually a bit excited for my Dad’s trip, because even though he will gone for a few days, my pug sitter is AMAZING and I usually get as many baby carrots as I like. Wait. That was supposed to be our little secret. EEP! Hopefully my Dad won’t read this post. I’ll have to go distract him by being cute and cuddly.
December 3rd, 2014 by Brian
We hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving. Sid and I journeyed out to the suburbs and got to hang out with my parents for a few days. Sid had an unbelievable time. He spent most of his waking hours in the kitchen, attached to the ankles of anybody that happened to be in there.

I lost count as to the number of snacks/tid-bits/morsels he scored based solely on his proximity. Not only did he immediately snatch up anything that accidentally fell to the ground (sometimes even BEFORE it hit the ground), but he also was GIVEN pieces of food just because he was in the right place (at the feet of the food preppers) at the right time (ALL THE TIME).
Based on this experience, he told me he’s “ready for a new career”. I thought I’d at least hear him out, even though I’m still unclear what his current career actually is, or if he even has one. I mean, he seems to just sleep most of the day.
Anyway, he desires to get a job at a restaurant as a “Prep Chef Assistant”. Preferably at a restaurant that serves a lot of dishes requiring chopped baby carrots, Fuji apples, or sweet potatoes. He’d also prefer that his superior, the actual Prep Chef, not be that great at bending over to pick things up off the kitchen floor. OK. I see where he’s going with this.

So if any of you know any job openings that would fit the bill, let us know. Sid would probably need to be paid in cash since he’s under 16 years old. Oh, also the restaurant manager would have to be ok with having a stray pug hair or two in like 99% of their dishes.