November 26th, 2014 by Brian
This current cold snap hasn’t let up on Chicago and it’s due to continue over the upcoming holiday weekend.

We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope those of you in cold climates (like ours) stay nice and warm. Sid will probably be camped out at his favorite spot at Pug Slope HQ: his overstuffed bolstered bed in the sunniest room, right next to the big radiator. He’s a genius I tell ya.
November 17th, 2014 by Sid
So, guys, I woke up yesterday morning, hopped out the door for my morning walk, and check out what I saw:

Is it just Chicago or is it like this EVERYWHERE? Who let the snow out?

I actually enjoy the snow as long as it’s not too cold outside and I’m properly bundled up. Oh, and I know it looks like I’m surrounded by a field of delicious Pringles, but let me tell you THEY ARE SADLY NOT PRINGLES. They’re just yucky-tasting leaves. Yeah, I know, I thought one of my dreams had finally come true…
So, I moved on ever hopeful I might discover the motherload of frozen tasty morsels.

Unfortunately, no goodies were found. But I did get an idea for a screenplay, tentatively titled “Siddhartha Lamont: Guardian of the Frozen Tundra” which will star yours truly (naturally) and will take place in Chicago because it’s the coldest place I’ve ever lived. I’ve only got the title so far, but I’ve got a suspicion that I’m going to have PLENTY of time to work on the script while I’m cooped up indoors for the next 4 months or so.

What do you think? You think some studio will produce it? Do you think I can pull of the lead pug role? Although I’m 9, I’ve been told I can play 6 or 7. And finally, what the heck is tundra anyway?
November 11th, 2014 by Brian

Sid’s never participated in an official “Tongue Out Tuesday” before and even though he’s giving it an attempt this week, his reluctance is, um, just a bit obvious.
Clearly someone thinks he’s too cool for school.
November 6th, 2014 by Sid
Hey there all you lovely-looking Pug Slopers!
Sid here today. I really hope you all had a great Halloween and hauled in loads of treats. I sure did!

I forgot to mention that the weekend BEFORE Halloween, I got to attend a HOWL-O-WEEN pet parade and costume contest just up the street from the Pug Slope H.Q. It was pretty awesome.
As you guys already know by now, I was dressed up as “Bruce Pugsteen” this year. I was getting the thumbs up from all the people gathered there for the parade. I mean, check this out:

“Sit tight, take hold, Thunder Rooooad!”
I’ve got pipes, what can I say.
Anywho, there were tons of pooches and humans in really cool costumes. There was a Boston with THREE HEADS!!!

Does that mean he gets THREE DINNERS each day?! I sure hope so. He was getting double-takes from both humans and other dogs. There was also a dog elaborately dressed up as a Bonsai tree.

I ran into another pug who, along with her friend, was dressed up like a Mariachi! Ole! I have no idea how their hats stayed on all day. Superglue perhaps.

Although I didn’t win any prizes during the contest portion, I had a fun time parading around with the other costumed pups and collecting free treats all day. I gotta start planning my costume for next year…

October 31st, 2014 by Brian

Sid, I mean “Bruce Pugsteen”, wants me to remind you that you can double-click this image to enlarge it. You know, in case you want a poster-sized version to hang up in your bedroom.
Hope you all have a fantastic Halloween! Per Sid, make sure you opt for “TREAT” rather than “TRICK”!
October 28th, 2014 by Brian
This weekend, we were lucky to have an entire weekend of fantastic fall weather. Yellow and orange leaves slowly tumbled to the ground via unseasonably warm breezes. Even an alley with electric wires and garbage bins can look amazing this time of year.

Sid and I took a nice long late-afternoon stroll eastward. There’s a cute path in Andersonville that winds along the train tracks. We’ve walked this path many times before but this day it happened to be stocked with an array of carved pumpkins. Sid was interested.

Somehow Sid managed to NOT eat any pumpkins. I couldn’t believe it. He sure gave each one a thorough going-over with his super sniffer though.
After wandering through puddles of dappled sunlight courtesy of the beautiful old trees that line the streets of Lakewood-Balmoral, we ended up at the lakefront. The water was exceptionally high that day and the Foster Dog Beach was about 1/8th its usual size!

Soon, the sun started getting lower in the sky and everything became golden. I love Autumn.
October 20th, 2014 by Sid

Hey everyone!
Have you noticed all the brown and yellow leaves everywhere?!
I love the leaves. Well, not exactly the leaves themselves but the buried treasures that lie below!
Whenever I encounter a pile of leaves while I’m out on a walk, I make sure to dig around to see what amazing goodies I can unearth. If my Dad is watching he always makes me spit them out, but sometimes he’s looking away and doesn’t catch me. I inhaled what I believe was a piece of a discarded donut on my afternoon walk today. Score one for the Sid-man!
There’s something about hunting through the leaves that makes whatever I find taste that much sweeter. I guess it’s the element of surprise. It’s like how unwrapping a present somehow makes the present way cooler than if someone had just handed it to you.
What goodies have you found hidden under the leaves?