October 13th, 2014 by Brian

Although I’m feeling pretty good today, last week was another story. I had come down with some kind of cold or flu or combination thereof last week, and let me tell you, I don’t know if I would be here today without the help of my nurse. My fawn-colored, treat-crazy nurse.
- He kept me warm and toasty at night by sleeping against the small of my back.
- He made me laugh when I was feeling miserable.
- By regularly prodding me when he wanted to eat, it reminded me to keep eating and drinking fluids even when I wasn’t feeling particularly hungry or thirsty.
- Seeing him nap in the sun encouraged me to keep sleeping so I could allow my immune system to beat the cold/flu into submission.
I’ve also never heard of a human nurse that flipped onto their back and purred with joy when their belly was rubbed by their patient. PUG NURSE FOR THE WIN!
October 6th, 2014 by Brian
Thank you to everyone for the Birthday wishes for Sid. Saturday was the big day and I tried to go all out with his Birthday cake this year.

This year’s model was pretty similar to last year’s, with the main part of the cake fashioned out of a de-cored Michigan apple sliced into layers with peanut butter spread in between each layer. However, those brown sticks are a new addition. They are called “Jumpin’ Sticks” from Natural Balance. They pretty much look like Slim Jims for dogs. The perimeter decoration consisted of two of his favorites edibles: baby carrots and watermelon slices.
While I was busy slicing and dicing and assembling said cake, Sid was doing his best to manage his excitement. There was a lot of panting, heavy breathing, squeeking, and scurrying around taking place. I mean, how much anticipation can a pug take!

I set up the cake on Sid’s play blanket because he is known to make a huge mess when he eats watermelon. He employs his patented “gorge and regurgitate” method when consuming large watermelon chunks. It’s a bit disturbing to the uninitiated and the main impetus behind the super-tiny cuts of watermelon on the plate.

He could barely hold that pose for one photo and then he dug in full stop. Yum!

Happy 9th Birthday to my best little buddy!!!

September 30th, 2014 by Brian
This week is Sid’s Birthday week. His actually Birthday is on Saturday but he likes to extend the period of celebration – mostly because it means he gets spoiled with treats for a whole week instead of just one day.
I was browsing some potential Birthday items online the other night and I noticed Sid snooping over my shoulder. I told him that his Birthday presents are meant to be a surprise and he should cover up his eyes so he couldn’t see what I was ordering.
He bolted to his bed and ducked under his lion toy. I went back to the computer to load more things into my shopping cart.
About ten seconds later, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed this:

C’mon Sid! I said NO PEEKING!
September 25th, 2014 by Sid

Oh, Hi. Sorry, did you say something? I was just busy working on my mid-day Wigzi. I think there’s still a smidge of peanut butter left inside.

September 19th, 2014 by Sid
Yoo hoo! Hello, up there! Yeah, it’s me.

Are we gonna go on this walk or what?! I’ve already got my harness on and I’ve been ready to go for like ten minutes.
Let’s step it up, man! Chop, chop!
September 17th, 2014 by Brian
September weather is the best for strolling.

Not too hot. Not too cold. Just right.

Anyone want to join us for a stroll in the park?

September 12th, 2014 by Sid
I just wanted to do a little post about a friend of mine from the Idaho Pug Ranch that crossed over the rainbow bridge this week.

Dear Greta –
I never got a chance to meet you in the fur, but I knew you well from all the wonderful stories and photos you shared. I miss you very much. I will never forget your adorable smile and your passion for life and fun. Your family and all your internet friends and fans will also miss you greatly. Although your life was short in years, I know you lived every moment to the fullest. I will remember your great sense of humor, playfulness, and mischief. I think that’s why your mom sometimes refers you as “Naughty Greta”. I’ll send some pug love to your family because I know their hearts are hurting. Rest in peace, little one.
Pug Love,
Siddhartha Lamont