August 16th, 2017 by Brian
Our haul from the grocery store this week was full of fresh fruits of all varieties and of course Sid wanted a piece, or rather several pieces, of the action.
First up, one of Sid’s staples: BLUEBERRIES!

He’s used to catching them in mid-air but was more than happy to plunge his face into a bowl of berries.

Next up, a juicy summer treat: WATERMELON!

Yep, things got messy real quick.

And finally, the sweetest fruit around: MANGO!

If this were a video, you might go deaf from the sound of slurping.

While Sid said he loves all food equally, it seemed clear that mango was the best-tasting of this bunch. Or at least the messiest!

August 10th, 2017 by Brian
Did you know that pugs can melt? Yep, it’s true. See for yourself:

It’s not really about a certain ambient temperature that does it but rather the perfect combination of an extra-comfy bed and having just wolfed down one’s dinner.
July 31st, 2017 by Sid
Greetings and salutations, my friends. Sid here with you today.

It’s been just super lovely outside here in Chicago so my dad and I took a stroll down to the lake.

If you can believe it, it is our FIRST TIME visiting the lake this year. I know. We live less than two miles away, so why we are not there EVERY SINGLE DAY is beyond me! I’m gonna look into getting a bus pass so I can just go by myself when my dad’s at work.

The waves were pretty out of control so we didn’t go in the water or spend too much time on the beach, but we go for a nice long stroll along the walkway that flanks the water. You get a great view of the city skyline from here when it’s clear out.

And it looks even BETTER with a pug, such as yours truly, in the foreground.

My dad even got a Margarita at the snack shack on the beach. But can you believe he didn’t share it with me?! I mean, I even did my best begging face…

Oh well, I still had a great time! I can’t wait to go again!
July 21st, 2017 by Brian
It’s a Flat-pug Friday today here at Pug Slope HQ. I don’t know if anyone can get down flatter than Sid. He’s definitely a master at melting into the floor. How low can you go?

July 13th, 2017 by Brian
Sid’s 10-step guide to successfully battling a watermelon:
1. Size up your opponent.

2. When striking the first blow, make it a good one.

3. Keep moving and work the angles.

4. Mix in some tiny attacks.

5. Extend yourself for maximum reach.

6. Use all the tools you have available to you.

7. Yes, every tool. Even that one.

8. Keep close to your opponent.

9. Don’t quit until the enemy has been licked!

10. Hold your head high in victory.

Have you battled any watermelons lately? Let us know if you came out the victor!
June 28th, 2017 by Brian
Thank you for sending good pug juju over to Sid. His eyelid healed up perfectly and the dental extractions have healed as well. It’s now been two weeks since his dental cleaning and eyelid surgery so it’s finally time to ditch the cone. Although I couldn’t resist just a few more pics of him in his cone, especially this one where he is sunbathing in his home-made “short cone”.

See, the standard cone is great when Sid’s at home but when we go on walks the extreme length of it gets in the way of his sniffing abilities – especially when he’s attempting to sniff the ground to do his business. I had immediately sensed his frustration and with a quick modification of a plastic salad container, came up with a solution. I guess when the cone manufacturers were creating the standard cone sizes, they didn’t take into account the inverse relation between the pug’s nick girth (huge) and snout length (practically zero).
His short cone even caused him to become a local celebrity when the staff at our local pet store couldn’t resist sharing a pic of him in this admittedly-hilarious contraption.

Well, rest assured, after his follow up appointment at the vet yesterday Sid is now comfortably cone-free and back to his usual shenanigans.
June 14th, 2017 by Sid
Hey all you lovely Pug Slopers!
Sid here with you today. My voice may seem louder today because it is being amplified by the enormous cone surrounding my head.

Worry not, though, my friends. All is well with this pug. I am just recovering from a long vet visit on Monday. I went in for a dental cleaning and surgery to remove a small mass that was growing on my eyelid. Luckily I was knocked out for the whole thing so I didn’t feel a thing. The talented Dr. Delia and the awesome staff at Duke Animal Hospital took excellent care of me the whole day.
Although I had a few teeth extracted, got my eyebrow fur shaved off, and went without food for 24 hours prior to the surgery (yep, it was the worst), I’m loving the soft dog food I get to eat for the next two weeks! I like to make a real mess of it, too. My dad can’t stand the smell of the wet food. Let’s just call it payback. Ha ha!
While everything appears to be healing well, if you could send some positive pug juju my way I would be ever grateful! THANK YOU!
xo Sid