June 9th, 2017 by Brian
This past weekend, Sid and I hopped the train out to the suburbs to hang with my family.
First up on our checklist of activities was the La Grange Pet Parade which has been going on for over 70 years and is a big event in my hometown.

Growing up, my sister and I would march in the parade with our various childhood pets (dogs, rabbits, turtles, and even parakeets) in home-made “floats” which were usually constructed out of cardboard atop a wagon. The parade is also full of other things, like marching bands, town officials, veterans, fire-fighters, the Shriners, and many others. Here are a few shots from the parade, although somehow I managed to miss most of the pets!

The sun was shining brightly so Sid kept cool in the shade under our folding chairs.

The paraders were handing out free candy to the kids and treats to the pets, so Sid was a happy camper. I think he got enough free treats to last the rest of the month!
The next day we drove over to Katherine Legge Park, and to our good fortune, there was an event being held in the park for the Hinsdale Humane Society. So, once again, Sid got loaded up with free treats from all the vendors. He also got to explore the creek that winds through the park and cool off his toes.

And of course we spent lots of time relaxing in my parents’ lovely backyard garden.

All in all, we had a good time taking a break from the city!
May 26th, 2017 by Brian
Since this upcoming weekend is a holiday weekend, and the official start of summer, Sid has planned a luau for us.

He’s been practicing some songs on the ukulele and even got me a box of chocolate-covered macadamia nuts! I know, I am in disbelief myself.
We’ll be relaxing and enjoying some (hopefully) warm and sunny weather and perhaps a few tropical drinks! Hope you all get to do the same!

May 17th, 2017 by Brian
We’ve been getting some powerful sun the past few days here at Pug Slope HQ, even first thing in the morning. It’s a nice welcome from all the rain we got earlier this month!

Sid has been getting up extra early in order to have ample time to head-butt his bed over to the most prime sunbathing spot.
May 10th, 2017 by Brian
It’s a good thing Sid spent a few days resting up in preparation for Pugs Take Chicago because it was insane!
I’d reckon close to 100 pugs (and their human servants) from all over the U.S. dropped into Lake Shore East Dog Park this past Saturday.

Sid arrived in his red travel bag after a relaxing ride on the El train.

At first he tried to play it cool but once he realized how many freakin’ pugs were present, he lost any semblance of aloofness and started sniffing every pug butt he could find.

He had a great time playing in the fountain and the small stream it flows into. This really is one fantastic dog park. I only wish it were closer to Pug Slope HQ!

Pugs from California to Maine were represented, including the head-tilting pair from San Francisco, Minnie and Max!

Sid also got to hang with his midwestern pal, Violet, who also calls Chicago home.

There was a whole lot of running, sniffing, barking, and begging for treats going on.

By the end Sid was pretty knackered and snoozed in his travel bag the whole train ride back home! We can’t wait for the next one!

May 3rd, 2017 by Sid
Hey fur-riends!
It’s Sid with you today. Reporting live from the nerve center of Pug Slope HQ. Yes, I know it just happens to be my bed.

The reason why I’m in bed is because I’ve been taking several extra naps each day to store up energy for this weekend’s pug meetup in Chicago. Along with from my fellow flat-faced Chicago pals, Violet and Timmy, dozens of pugs from all over the country will be coming into town by air, by rail, and by dog stroller. This is the weekend the pugs will take over Chicago!
There are several activities taking place over the weekend including a pug cruise. I sailed on the cruise a couple years ago (in appropriate nautical attire, natch) and so I will be skipping it this year, but I am planning to be at the meet and greet at Lake Shore East Dog Park. I was there last summer for a pug party and it was absolute mayhem.
Let me know if you are planning to go!

For more detailed information on PugsTakeChicago click here.
April 19th, 2017 by Brian
Sid and I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter weekend. With the warmer weather around here we’ve been able to go out on nice long walks after work. It’s incredible how many flowers are out right now.

In addition to the daffodils and tulips that we saw the previous week, we now saw magnolias and all kinds of flowering trees.

Sid sniffed every one he could reach!
April 7th, 2017 by Brian

Being a fashion-conscious pug, Sid always makes sure to sport seasonally-appropriate apparel. So as soon as the bright yellow daffodils start opening up, it’s time to break out his coordinating yellow bandana.