March 30th, 2017 by Sid
Hello furrriends!
It’s Sid here with you today! My Dad has been in work and project mode a lot lately which unfortunately means less pug adventure time.
Anyway, I’m not gonna be blue about it and decided instead to start using this extra “me” time to become a more productive pug.

I’ve been reading productivity books, organizing all my files, watching countless youtube videos on life hacks, and pretty much freeing up as much time possible in order to pursue my main life goal: OBTAIN ALL OF THE TREATS.
Based on what I’ve gathered thus far, the key is to eliminate all those unnecessary things in life — you know, like visits to the vet, daily walks, obeying commands from your human — in order to get what you want out of life. I feel like a brand new pug!
I’d tell you more about it but I just got an alert from my calendar that it’s time for another treat…see ya!
March 24th, 2017 by Brian
Ah, what a perfect day to rest the ol’ chin.

Over the years, through much dedication and practice, Sid has refined this skill and taken it to new levels. If there are any young puglets out there that yearn to learn this ancient pug art, please observe a master at work:

March 14th, 2017 by Brian
Chicago FINALLY got its first official snowfall of 2017. Winter this year has been extremely unusual considering most years we are usually buried in snow from December through March. Although we did enjoy those unexpected warm spells during February (usually the most brutal month here), it was comforting to finally see some lovely fat flakes drifting down and blanketing everything in white.
But certain flat-faced members of the family weren’t as excited as I was to venture outside and tread in the freshly fallen snow.

As soon as Sid saw me pull out his fleece coat from the closet, he bunched up in his bed and refused to cooperate. Eventually, with a little encouragement (3 baby carrots), I persuaded him to go outside for some snow patrol duty.

March 6th, 2017 by Brian
I got a chance to wash several of Sid’s beds this weekend (yeah, he’s got a BUNCH of ’em). His more oft-used beds had been looking pretty flat and were omitting that charming odour d’pug, so it was a much overdue task. His “fancy” bed (which he got for his tenth Birthday) washed up really nicely though it did require some disassembly prior to washing. After a thorough hot-water cycle down at the Pug Slope laundromat, the bed was restored to its super fluffy, clean-smelling state.
I reassembled all the bolsters, zipped-up all the zippers, and plunked it down in front of Sid. After a five-minute sniff test, he proceeded to spend the next twenty minutes digging, face-mashing, and sneezing on the bed to make it his very own.
I think he got it just right.

February 22nd, 2017 by Sid
Hi everyone! My, you’re looking swell. It’s Sid here with you today.
Now that my back and hind leg are functioning better, I have been able to go on much longer walks. So just the other day, I was out at Winnemac Park and I noticed that the sun was shining brightly, humans were wearing shorts, jacket-less pets were running around everywhere, and even several robins were out looking for worms. It was a gorgeous day.

I got back home and casually glanced at my calendar only to find we were still in the month of February! Here, I thought I had just hibernated through February, March, and April, but in reality it has just been one of the most unseasonably-warm Februaries in Chicago that I (or my dad) can recall.
Usually February is one of the harshest months of Winter in Chicago. I mean last year most days were below zero! Does this mean people are going to start planning their tropical winter holidays to the balmy Midwest?!
February 14th, 2017 by Brian

Sid told me he’s giving out pug kisses today to anyone that would like one. Be warned though, some tongue may inadvertently be involved!
February 9th, 2017 by Brian
Sid is half-way through his six-session cold laser therapy program for his back & hing leg and he’s been doing very well. It’s hard to say if it’s just time that has helped him regain his stride or the cold laser therapy or (most likely) a combination of both things.
With a laser, it is required that everyone in the room wear eye protection — including the pug!

Sid isn’t crazy about wearing the tiny goggles, but each session only lasts a few minutes, so I don’t feel too bad. Plus they are hilarious.