Hey there all you lovely-looking Pug Slopers!
Sid here today. I really hope you all had a great Halloween and hauled in loads of treats. I sure did!

I forgot to mention that the weekend BEFORE Halloween, I got to attend a HOWL-O-WEEN pet parade and costume contest just up the street from the Pug Slope H.Q. It was pretty awesome.
As you guys already know by now, I was dressed up as “Bruce Pugsteen” this year. I was getting the thumbs up from all the people gathered there for the parade. I mean, check this out:

“Sit tight, take hold, Thunder Rooooad!”
I’ve got pipes, what can I say.
Anywho, there were tons of pooches and humans in really cool costumes. There was a Boston with THREE HEADS!!!

Does that mean he gets THREE DINNERS each day?! I sure hope so. He was getting double-takes from both humans and other dogs. There was also a dog elaborately dressed up as a Bonsai tree.

I ran into another pug who, along with her friend, was dressed up like a Mariachi! Ole! I have no idea how their hats stayed on all day. Superglue perhaps.

Although I didn’t win any prizes during the contest portion, I had a fun time parading around with the other costumed pups and collecting free treats all day. I gotta start planning my costume for next year…