Posts Tagged ‘Birthday’

Birthday Week Begins!

Hi Pug Slopers!

OHMYPUG! I’m just so excited! You know why I’m so excited? Well, because this is my favorite week of the year. And you know why it’s my favorite week of the year? Well, that’s easy – because it’s my BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! Woop!

My 8th Birthday is on Friday and that means this week will be filled with extra treats, extra belly rubs, and hopefully a new toy or two. I know I already have a ton of toys but nothing beats a FRESH one – with a functional squeaker.

I’ve been getting myself psyched up by looking at some of my previous Birthday posts. Here’s a few to show what awesomeness may be in store…

Birthday Week Continues

It’s still technically Birthday Week here at Pug Slope as Sid’s 7th Birthday was just last Thursday.

About a week before the BIG DAY, he gave us a list of potential gifts he would like (and I quote):

1. Giftcard from

2. Baby Carrots (like 10 bags min.)

3. Another batch of Plush Potatoes (yellow is my favorite color)

4. Jar of Peanut Butter (left on floor with lid removed)

5. Framed black-and-white portrait of T-Buttz and I looking all romantic and stuff

(NOTE: Puhleeez do not get me any more CONFIDENCE SHIRTS. I have like 2000 already and also I’ve already got enough confidence without  them – remember how I scaled Mount Couch sans shirt?!)

Much to his surprise, we actually appealed to requests #2 and #4 (though not is the requested quantities) via his Birthday cake,  which consisted of a cored & peeled apple topped with peanut butter, a crunchy venison treat, and 7 baby carrot “candles”.

Sid was even more shocked when something large and billowy was pulled out from its hiding spot and placed on the floor in front of him.

Being a gentle-pug of leisure, he knew exactly what this item was and what he was supposed to do.

This is mine.

While he was occupied with fluffing-up his new bed, we were able to covertly slip in and purloin his old, crusty, stinky bed (complete with peanut butter remains mashed into the fabric). We’re hoping he doesn’t notice.


Happy Birthday, Little Buddy!

Mom and Dad


So tomorrow, October 4th, is Sid’s 7th Birthday.

Since he reads the blog, I can’t comment exactly on what we have planned, but rest assured his mind will be blown.

“I’m getting SEVEN Birthday cakes, right?” 

This upcoming weekend is actually extremely exciting for all of us! Not only will we still be celebrating Sid’s Birthday (he insists we celebrate for at least 1 week), his 1000 Pugs photo shoot is on Sunday. We’re super excited to meet a whole bunch of you pugs, pug people, and pug bloggers “in the fur” as Sid would put it. Not only that, but we’ve got a SPECIAL GUEST (of the pug variety) staying with us next week.

To prepare for all the excitement, we’ve been encouraging Sid to get lots of rest.


This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things…

So, as Brian mentioned, Sid got one of his birthday presents early.  It’s a giant, unwieldy snake-like monster with very, very loud squeakers running up and down it’s body, crinkly arms, and a rattler in its tail.   Sid’s only allowed to play with it for, like, five minutes, once a day, because he turns into a MANIAC when it’s around.

“Awww, but look at Sid, so calmly snuggling with his cuddly new squeaky snake,” you say.  What a sweetheart, right?

Thankfully we have a video camera to capture the truth:

They Say It’s Your Birthday!

Today is Sid’s big day and we kicked off the celebration with a pug cake. Well, it wasn’t technically a cake but rather a combination of some of his favorite treats.

We started with one de-cored apple, slathered on some chunky all-natural peanut butter, and topped the whole thing with carrot slivers to serve as the candles (he’s six this year). We set up a towel for him to eat this goopy mega-treat on but he immediately plucked it up and toted it over to his bed where he started going to town.

In order to try and encourage him to slow down a little and savor the experience, we took the cake away for a moment…

…and of course his little pug face immediately dropped. It’s Okay, buddy, you can have the cake back now.

Timothy Buttons, who was over for the party, made sure no peanut butter drippings got left behind. She’s a smart girl and knew better than to get between an obsessive Birthday Pug and his cake!

In addition to the cake and Sid’s Secret Toy (which we’ll reveal tomorrow) he also got a flat plush rabbit raccoon (You were right, Payton!).

Like the Secret Toy, the flat rabbit raccoon also brought out the wild animal in him!

Sid, let’s calm down a little. We don’t want that cake to come back up!

 All in all it was one excellent Birthday. Sid is one happy (and spoiled) 6-year-old!

Birthday Eve

Tomorrow is Sid’s 6th Birthday, so we’ve been getting plans together for a celebration he won’t soon forget.

We’ve got a Birthday cake planned that will contain all his favorite edibles – juicy apples, tantalizing carrots, and pugtastic peanut butter. Ok, sorry if I made some of you hungry just now. We’ve also got a giant plush surprise for him – well, not really a surprise per se since we kinda let him play with it last night. If you want to see Sid’s wild side be sure to stay tuned for the video of him with his new toy.

We’d like invite all pugs, non-pugs, and humans to celebrate with us. Give your dogs a few extra treats on Sid’s behalf.