Hi, my friends! It’s Sid with you today as my Dad has been buried under with work from his
“day job” and has been slacking at his pug-blogging duties (not to mention his pug-spoiling duties, but I’ll get to that in a minute). That’s why I gotta take charge here.

First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all you wonderful folks! I hope you all got to celebrate the New Year in style.
Although I normally tend to live in the moment (or just nap), I do occasionally find time for some self-reflection, goal-setting, and taking a look at the bigger picture. So on January 1st, like I imagine many of you probably did, I set up a New Year’s resolution for myself. Something very near and dear to my heart.
However, with only one week into 2016, I’m saddened to report that I have already failed at fulfilling my 2016 resolution. However, the failure was not due to my lack of diligence or dedication but in fact was due to powerful outside forces. Well, actually one force: My doofus Dad.
I mean, how I am I supposed to meet my resolution of eating one whole bag of baby carrots per week when he KEEPS THEM LOCKED AWAY IN THE FRIDGE and only gives me like TWO B.C.’s PER DAY! It’s not fair I tell you!
Did anyone else have their glorious New Year’s resolutions thwarted by their human(s)?