Posts Tagged ‘dreamy’

Sid’s Dream Journal

In the comments section of Tuesday’s post, Suki wondered what Sid was dreaming about.

I mentioned Suki’s comment to Sid, and he suddenly got all weird and defensive and started guarding his bed while muttering something along the lines of, “I don’t know, Mom. I mean, come on. It’s not like I keep a dream journal or anything.”

Well, the pug doth protest too much, so I took a closer look at his bed and I found this:

Yes, that’s right.  Sid’s been keeping a dream journal.

I told Sid he’d get extra special treats today if he let me share a few of his dreams with you guys.  It was an offer he couldn’t refuse.

So, without further ado, here’s an actual page from Sid’s dream journal (click on image for larger size / better readability!):


So Dreamy!

Lately the PugSlope comments section has been a-buzz with declarations of Sid’s dreaminess.  So now I present to you, our gracious readers, a quick video of Sid at his dreamiest: