We were lucky to have some amazing weather this weekend which allowed Sid and I to go on multiple excursions throughout our neighborhood. Always wanting to be in style, Sid refused to leave the house until I accessorized him with his favorite bandana – the black one (of course).

As usual, Sid made a bee line for Winnemac Park which was packed with people and pups out basking in the sun. The park looked really different though because it just had its annual “controlled burn” of the prairie areas completed this week.

Although the areas within the rustic fences look desolate now, the burn kicks the plants into action and soon the native prairie plants and flowers will be sprouting up like crazy.

I think Sid was a little perturbed that someone burned all the dried-up plants he liked to sniff and pee on, but it’s difficult to explain the cycles of nature to a pug.
We continued strolling around the blocks that surround the park and Sid started perking up. We journeyed down a few blocks we’ve never been on before, so I think he was psyched to mark some new turf and check out some unfamiliar scenery.

The signs of Spring were all around us. We found tons of brightly colored crocuses popping up in people’s front yards.

Did anyone else get to go on any Spring adventures this past weekend? If so, Sid and I want to hear about it!