Posts Tagged ‘mischief’

The World is Sid’s Bolster IX

The ninth installment of TWISB and apparently Payton and Sid are on the same wavelength today.

NOTE: Sid was actually standing like this, with his head propped up on the Trader Joe’s bag, for about 45 seconds before I had time to grab my phone and start recording.

I Wish I Were a Fish

After reading about Puglet’s new fish friend named Swedish, Sid thought he’d try his hand at being one last thing – a fish. It didn’t turn out so well when he realized he’d have to put his head under water. He was also severely disappointed to discover that what he thought were piles of treats below the surface were just pebbles.

He’s still happy to be a pug.


Sid and the Off-limit Pillows

Hello, friends and family of all species!

I’m currently working away on PART THREE! of Sid’s adoption saga (Here’s Part One and Part Two).  The gripping conclusion of this suspenseful tale should be ready…eh, sometime this week, I suppose.


I present the second installment of Pug Slope’s newest video series:


Let’s see what type of shenanigans Sid pulls in today’s video, shot while we were still living in California:

Wow.  This is gonna be a tough one!  Let’s look at the arguments for each side…

Pug Genius: We had three dogs in the house at the time, and with that many dogs running around, you gotta set some rules.  For example, the fancy throw pillows were only allowed on the couch while humans were actively sitting on it so that the dogs couldn’t ruin the nice pillows by doing things like, you know, violently rubbing their faces all over them.  Sick of seeing those fancy pillows sitting all clean and tidy on the bottom shelf of our banquet table because of some arbitrary rule, Sid decided to take matters into his own paws. If he couldn’t thrash on those pillows while they were on the sofa, then he’d climb right up and thrash on those pillows while they were stored on their shelf.

Dweeb Extraordinaire: Um, hello?!!  For real?  We’re standing right there!!


We had a nice weekend away visiting Grammie Grace upstate where Sid received many treats – many more than normal.

Evidently, he still was not satisfied (is he ever?).

We’ve never given him a tomato, but somehow he just knows they are edible. Or maybe he just assumes that anything on our countertop must be a delicacy. Either way, he’s still a doofus.

Eddie the Pug

A few weeks ago, we started taking Sid to the off-leash area of Prospect Park in the mornings before we started work. While we haven’t been religious about it, we’ve been getting out there at least a few times a week.

Sid just loves it so much. It’s hard to avoid feeling guilty when we sleep in too late, or start our walk and then turn around the corner instead of crossing the street to the park. Oh yes, he knows the route by heart.

Anyway, he’s met many new furry friends at the park, and one in particular is Eddie the pug. Meet Eddie:

Eddie is a very social pug (he even has his own facebook page!) and he and Sid hit it off really well as they share mutual interests in eating treats, high-speed dog chasing, and pug-rent manipulation tactics.

Like Sid, Eddie’s a very athletic pug and is always ready for playtime, or running laps around the park. They actually obtain some pretty high speeds for pugs. So fast, in fact, that I was unable to get a good photo of them careening around the long meadow.

Eddie is still young and impressionable so Sid has been trying to impart the ancient methods of treat-obtaining to him. Sid’s technique involves flying at top speed from person to person at the park, not unlike a bee going from flower to flower, until he finds the jackpot: some poor unsuspecting sucker with a baggie full of treats and a weakness for adorable smooshed faces.



I know you’re all anxiously awaiting part two of yesterday’s very long and incredibly sappy post, but…well, I haven’t even begun writing part two yet.  Probably should have done that before I posted part one. Hindsight and whatnot.

In the meantime…I present to you the first installment in a new Pug Slope video series:


In this first video, taken at the California home of our friends Cady and Will, with a special vocal appearance from Sid’s favorite “uncle,” Adam, Sid has discovered the large rubbermaid bin that contains food for their dogs, Rosie and Seymour.


Pug Genius:

Rosie and Seymour never glanced twice at this bin of food before Sid arrived for a visit, yet within 20 minutes of arriving, Sid had honed in on this treasure trove of deliciousness and figured out the logistics necessary to access the goodies locked inside, even testing out a few different hypotheses, scientific-method-style, before finally settling on that ol’ standby: brute force.

Dweeb Extraordinaire:

Um, hello?!  We’re standing right there!