Pug Slope is now PLANET COOL SID, the coolest blog ever because I’m the coolest and I’m in charge now and my mom and dad are totally going to wish they fed me a treat all those times that I sat loudly in front of the fridge and shifted my eyes up to where they keep my food to make it OBVIOUS that I was in need of TREATS and they JUST IGNORED ME. From now on ACK! GO AWAY, PIGEON! ACKACKACKPIGEONRARRR!
(Hey, everybody – Jenn, here. While Sid is distracted by a pigeon on our fire escape, I want to take this opportunity to apologize for all of…this. We’re doing our best to get things back to normal, but whenever we speak up Sid reminds us that he knows how to shop online which means that he’s in charge now so I better just keep typing up what he wants to say OR ELSE. Oh, God! He’s ba- )
I run this show now so everything you see on here is going to be cool, like my cool face, or my cool potato toy, or my cool baby carrots that I put in my cool new masthead… I always thought baby carrots were the coolest treats and then venison jerky was the next coolest, but then I got an email from this dude who wanted to give me free stuff and Noodles taught me how to shop online and HOLY MOLEY why have my parents been holding out on me? I mean, I like the venison jerky bits that I get when I do things like shake or Jimmy or sit loudly, but what the heck! There are soooo many other Venison treats out there that I didn’t even know about!!!!
Mr. Chewy, if you’re looking for a new place to hang, look no further. You’re welcome on Planet Cool Sid anytime.
In fact, after I make Mom and Dad feed me my brunch (new daily meal regimen: pre-breakfast, breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, supper, midnight snack, 3am snack), I’m gonna have Mom help me type another post for today is going to be all about how cool Mr. Chewy is and I will FINALLY show you what was in the box.
Mommy, you look so pretty today. Can you stop typing now and give me three treats, please? Are you typing that? Mom, stop typing and give me treats!!