Posts Tagged ‘pug love’

Lola’s Pug Brunch

On Sunday, Lola hosted a brunch for some of the neighborhood pugs. As an added bonus, the parents of said pugs were allowed to tag along.

There was an amazing spread of food for the humans. Much to Sid’s dismay, the bagels and lox were all kept well above pug-level, but there were plenty of dog toys to go around.

Lola was there, of course, along with Timothy Buttons (Sid’s girlfriend), Eddie, and Charlie. Lola got dressed up for the occasion in her bright yellow tee.

Eddie hopped up into his dad’s arms in order to work his way closer to the out-of-pug-reach quiche.

Sid latched on to Lola’s pink plush bee toy and basically spent 80% of the party with it in his mouth like a doofus. I guess it gave him an excuse to avoid any small-talk.

Lola and Timothy got the party started by breaking out the nyla-bone and battling each other for it.

…And all the while Sid kept relocating himself, with plush bee in tow, in order to avoid the action.

After a while, the pugs caught on that they were not going to be feasting on all the brunch goodies that the humans were eating so they started to raise a stink. However, a mutiny was avoided by Lola’s mom, who had the foresight to plan ahead with – get this – SMOOTHIES FOR DOGS!

Charlie: “Smoothies?! For Dogs?! Me want-ee!”

All the ears perked up when the box was brought out the freezer, even though none of the pugs had ever eaten one before. How is it that they know food from non-food (or maybe they just assume everything is food).

Sid sat like a good boy and waited as patiently as a pug can before he was given his Smoothie.

Time to Dig In!

Timothy had a better method for eating her Smoothie.

We can’t wait for the next pug brunch!!! Thank you to Lola and her parents for putting on such a great party for human and pug alike!

You Can’t Handle the Cute!

Sid and Timothy had another “date” last night, this time at Timothy’s pad.

Sid wanted to look “sensitive yet tough” for his motorcycle mama, so he channeled The Boss:

Eat your heart out, Bruce Springsteen.

When we arrived, Timothy was dressed like so:

The complimentary outfits were not planned. I swear. But they were ADORABLE.

Things immediately took an unexpected Shakespearean turn when Timothy and Sid set out to reenact the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet.

It was quite moving, which made Sid’s insistence at cleaning out poor Timothy’s already-clean ears afterwards a little more…palatable.

Note to Sid – Obsessive focus on the cleanliness of her ears is not the way to a lady’s heart. And, no, the fact that you find her ear wax to be delicious does not help your case.

So, yeah, most of the photos from the rest of the night involve Sid shoving his tongue in Timothy’s ear canals. A good time was had by all!

“That which we call ear wax by any other name would taste as sweet.” – Sid Shakespug

“I think my ears are stuck this way.” – Timothy Buttons


Man, that Timothy is one sassy lady-pug.

Earlier we overheard her saying to Sid: “First we wrestle, then we practice our synchronized breathing, and then you get a kiss.”


Pug Direct

Um, so, Sid read the blog yesterday, and now he’s all embarrassed.  Apparently I wasn’t supposed to write about his new girlfriend and their big date and how IN LURV he is.  Also, I’m supposed to tell you that we “made him” wear that bow-tie and then I’m supposed to post a photo of him dressed in his “cool” clothes.


So, now, like any teenage pug who’s been mortified by their mother, Sid is acting out.  I found him this morning trying to mail himself to Fresh Direct, our grocery delivery service, because we, apparently, don’t understand him the way Fresh Direct understands him and if he lived at Fresh Direct he could eat all the Ginger-O’s and apples in the warehouse whenever he wanted and Brian and I wouldn’t be there to say “Leave it!” or “Uh-oh!” and he probably wouldn’t even have to sit or stay or Jimmy or ANYTHING before eating ALL OF THE DELICIOUS FOOD HE COULD GET HIS PAWS ON.




Pugs and Kisses

Phew.  Now that the “hurricane” is way far away from Pug Slope Headquarters, we can finally get back to business!

As some of you (Payton) may recall, last week Sid dusted off the ol’ black tie for a mystery date.  We finally got a chance to develop the photos from his big night out, and it looks like the lucky lady was none other than the Prospect Park Pug Pack’s resident motorcycle mama, Timothy Buttons!

Sid and Timothy met for a drink at The Commonwealth, a local dog-friendly watering hole.  Unfortunately, it was really dark there, so the photos are either grainy to the point of being impressionistic, or they employ the dreaded flash.  But bear with us, I think we can still make out the events of the evening.

So, it looks as though wearing the bow-tie paid off handsomely for Sid.  As you can see from the photo above, Miss Timothy couldn’t take her eyes off of him from the moment he arrived.

Sid then ordered a bowl of the finest water on the menu, and, ever the gentleman, allowed Timothy to drink first.

Then, in an attempt to mimic the only scene of successful dog dating he knows, Sid shared the water with Timothy.  ‘Twas very romantic.

And then things, um, devolved a bit…

Once the water was consumed, it looks like Sid, well, he made his move.

Yeah, from this point on, most of the photos involve Sid licking Timothy’s face.

And Timothy licking Sid’s face.

I guess that’s what happens when you have your first date at a bar.

But, this was no one night stand.  Regardless of how “handsy” they got on their first date, Sid is absolutely smitten with Miss Timothy Buttons.

“Mom and Dad, I think I’m in LOVE!  Or, at least, I like her A LOT!”

(Thanks to Eddie’s mom Tricia for sharing some of her photos from Sid and Timothy’s big night out)


Sharp-dressed Pug

We live in an age of dressed-down comfort.  Between business casual offices and the acceptability of wearing yoga pants as pants-pants, there just aren’t many opportunities to don fancy attire in today’s world.  Consequently, Sid’s favorite bow-tie has been collecting dust in his wardrobe closet for quite some time.

In fact, the last time Sid donned his bow-tie was for a gate-jumpin’ photo shoot back in California.

Yeah, that’s right.  Sid doesn’t let his athletic pursuits compromise his debonair sense of style.

But that was over two years ago!

Well, lucky for Sid, a bow-tie-worthy occasion arose this evening, and what’dya know?  The ol’ black tie still fits!


But where was Sid going that warranted such formal attire?  Hmm…Could it have anything to do with one of these little ladies?  We’re dying to find out!

We let Sid borrow the camera for the night, and as soon as we get those photos developed we’re posting them straight to the blog…


Sid and the Pug-lettes

We realized recently that all of our posts about Prospect Park off-leash hours make Sid’s pug pack seem like a boy’s club.  Sure, Sid may be a bit of a man’s man, but the Prospect Park off-leash pug party is no Snausage-fest.

There’s a bunch of curly-tailed gals who have just as much snort-sneezin’ fun as Sid, Eddie, and Winston while running around the park like maniacs.

First, meet Timothy.  Yes, Timothy.

“What’s your problem? You’ve never met a lady named Timothy before?”

Timothy’s a tough-talkin’ no-nonsense sweetheart.  Her harness may be lined with titanium studs but her heart is lined with gold.

Then there’s Lily.  Fighting Irish fan and master of the toothy flap-flip.

Lily can run circles around the boys but that doesn’t stop her from showing off a fresh manicure…

or enjoying old-fashioned displays of chivalry while out on a walk. (Well done, Eddie!).

And finally, there’s little Lola.

This fun-loving girl-next-door is not only Eddie’s best friend…

she’s also apparently the pug equivalent of the Girl from Ipanema.

For real.  Winston, especially, can’t get enough of Lovely Lola.

And Sid can’t get enough of these Park Slope pugs!