Posts Tagged ‘sleepy’

The World is Sid’s Bolster VII

The seventh installment of TWISB: Whenever we create a pile of miscellaneous stuff (in this case: a book, papers, pants, receipts, etc.) Sid thinks we are putting it there just so he can rest his head on it. Not only does he just rest his head on the pile, he often will spin around, dig/nest for a bit, and then stretch out on top of everything. Somehow he’s always able to make the most odd spot seem comfortable.

Winter’s Back (sigh)

View out our window - more snow!

We’ve been had! The 60-degree spell we had here about a week ago turned the rational part of our brains to mush. Even though it was only mid-March, summer clothes were immediately unearthed from storage bins, outdoor seating at restaurants filled up faster than they could supply seats, and the park was packed with people enjoying the pleasant, sunny weather. Spring was here!

A couple days later, it snowed.

Luckily, this dusting of (abnormally large!) flakes was nothing compared to the blizzard we had in December. This snow didn’t even stick. That being said, it still is poor timing considering I already packed away my puffy winter coat for the the season.

Sid continues to hibernate until Spring really arrives

Confused as ever, Sid has resigned to hibernating until June. He just doesn’t want to be fooled again.

Beached Whale Ahoy

Apparently, Sid’s new toy has gotten the better of him.

Hanging with Mom

Sid may act tough, but he’s a momma’s boy at heart. Sid and Jenn spent a good chunk of the weekend snuggling while catching up with Law and Order SVU on Netflix instant. We’ll spare you the audio portion which consisted of various lyrics about Sid set to the tune of the show’s theme song and sung in falsetto by Jenn and me.

Pug Glamour Shots

On Saturday morning, I came across Sid and Brian taking a nap on the couch.  The light was great, so I grabbed the camera and started snapping away.

Of course, as soon as I started taking photos, they both woke up.

And as soon as they woke up, Brian got a phone call, and had to leave poor little Sid all alone on the couch.

Snuggle time was over, but the light was still nice, so I suggested to Sid that we take some fancy photos to share on the blog. Being a pug of extreme vanity, Sid complied, but being a pug of extreme laziness, he started to fall asleep halfway through the photo shoot.

[ continue… ]

Under Cover

Sid Under Cover

Sid’s never been a secret agent, but he’s definitely gone under cover. The frigid cold of an East Coast February combined with continually seeking out methods to make us go “awwww” has prompted Sid’s journey into this uncharted territory.

It started out as a little half-hour cuddle time before we’d go to sleep, at which time he was then (reluctantly) placed into his own bed – the ela-bed. But, as evidenced by the photo – shot during daylight hours – it has gone well beyond that. Well, I can’t actually put all the blame on Sid, since it was me that put him under the covers. Though, you have to admit, the little dude does seem quite at home there.

Sid takes over our bed

Let Me Clear My Throat

Sid serves as a great heating pad

I’ve been sick all weekend and luckily I had Jenn and Sid around to help nurse me back to health. They made sure I got plenty of rest, plenty of soup, and plenty of face-licking. I’m almost back on my feet but my normal voice has been replaced with a very deep, raspy whisper. I sound similar to a washed-up chain-smoking Hollywood starlet well past her prime. I apologise to anyone who tried to call me and thought they had mis-dialed.

Even though we all live in close quarters here, surprisingly no one else in the the house got sick. Hopefully by tomorrow PugSlope HQ will be up and running at 100%.

P.S. This photo also shows Sid’s recent foray into uncharted territories – under the covers. More on that to follow!