This is the face of an evil genius:

I was never under any illusion as to who was calling the shots in this house, but damn this pug is sneaky.
One of the many things we do to keep Sid’s ego in check is enforce a strict “Sid sleeps in Sid’s bed” policy. We’ve gotten lax about it here and there – he’s such a good snuggler – but after a night or two of sleeping in our bed he starts prancing around the apartment like he owns the place and then the next thing you know he’s forcefully sneezing, stomping his little legs and jerking his head towards the fridge in a hilariously misguided attempt to dictate his own feeding schedule (Sid’s ideal feeding schedule = all food, all the time).
Recently, though, Sid realized that at a certain point in the night, Brian and I are both unconscious (because we’re sleeping, duh). So, Sid began sneaking up into our bed in the middle of the night. Brian, being a light sleeper, would immediately send Sid back down to his own bed, and I’d be none the wiser.
Well, apparently Sid noticed that while Brian wakes up easily, I sleep like a rock. For the past week or two I’ve been waking up around four in the morning with this twenty-two pound nimrod SLEEPING ON MY BACK.
That’s right, he bypasses the Brian-threat by walking down to the end of the bed and jumping directly onto my side of the mattress, where he then proceeds to flaunt his ability to concoct evil schemes by SLEEPING DIRECTLY ON TOP OF ME.

Don’t you look at me like that, little man. I know what you’re up to.