Posts Tagged ‘sleepy’

The Quiet Days

In between adventures at the beach and getting pizza with his pug-sitter, Sid has been getting a lot of much-needed rest and relaxation. This has provided him lots of time for reflection on some of the deeper questions of life.


Questions of such profound magnitude as “how many hours until dinner is served?” and “when is he going to stop pointing that dang camera in my face?”. He’s a regular Socrates with a flat face.

On a side note, even though he has 3 beds (well, 4 if you count MY bed which he considers HIS bed), Sid has been spending a lot of time stretched out on the cool hardwood floors. Sometimes I’ll go over a put a plush toy under his head as a pillow, although I think he prefers to just rest his little round head flat on the floor sans pillow. What a goofball.

Criss Cross


Hello everyone! How are you all doing today?

How am I, you ask? Well, let me tell you, I’m BEAT!

Since the weather has been so nice here in Chicago lately, my dad has been extending my walks and we’ve been covering some major ground every day. Sure, it helps to keep us both in shape, keep my nails at a reasonable length (I REFUSE to let him trim or dremel them!), and it’s fun to walk down new blocks or visit new parks, but with all this extra mileage my legs need a break!

I’ve found this new criss cross position helps to relax and stretch my muscles. I could lay like this all day. In fact, I usually do!

Have do you guys like to recover after a long walk?

P.S. In case you were wondering, that is my current elevated bed, or “ela-bed“, that I use to get up into the big bed. It’s essentially a bin with a bed on top. But sometimes I like to just lounge on it. I have 5 beds, so I make sure to use all of them at some point!

Wordless Wednesday: Huggy Bear Edition





Are Ya In Or Are Ya Out?

Guys, I think Sid forgot how a bed works.


He seemed pretty comfortable in this position, although I would think putting one’s WHOLE body in the bed might be a tad more comfortable. But what do I know.


Are there any other pugs out there that also prefer this half-in half-out approach to napping?

The Pancake


Sometimes Sid gets so low to the ground you might want to get your maple syrup ready. I mean we’re talking PANCAKE flat.

Once the summer heat starts kicking in (which it hasn’t yet – but we remain hopeful!), he likes to get as low as possible on the wood floor or, better yet, the tiled bathroom floor. The only thing better than a belly rub is a belly cool-down on the tile floor.

The Sunbathing King

Has everybody taken their sunbath today?


Sid, the self-proclaimed “King of Sunbathing”, insists that a daily sunbath is essential to living the complete pug life of leisure (only eating/acquiring treats is more important). He firmly abides by the motto: “Why snore in the shadows, when you can lounge in the light?” I guess I agree with his philosophy – although my fair skin doesn’t handle direct sun exposure very well. I do love the warming effect though, especially since this Midwestern Spring keeps coming and going!

P.S. I also wanted to post a picture of some lovely pink rhododendron flowers I saw over the weekend at the Garfield Park Conservatory (sorry, Sid, pugs were not allowed). These flowers reminded me of Sid’s good pal, Payton the pug, and I’d like to dedicate them to her memory. We miss you, Payton!


Back to Normal

I’m happy to report that Sid’s eye is all healed and he is now back to leading a cone-free existence. Thank you all for your positive thoughts and good pug juju that were sent our way the past few weeks.


Sid’s back to his usual routine which involves lots of naps throughout the day. I envy his lifestyle.
