Christmas Toy Round-up Part II
After Sid had plucked all the chickens from the coop, he was ready to move on to more dangerous critters: S-S-S-S-SNAKES!
Aunt Erin and Uncle Will got Sid a Snake in the Grass toy by Kyjen for Christmas. The puzzle-type toys really get Sid fired up and this one provided an added twist – elastic. There are four snakes inside the “grass” – 1 baby snake that is removable and 3 larger snakes that stay attached to the grass via elastic bands. So now when Sid extracts a snake, it flings around on the elastic as he hunts for the rest.
The baby snake is his favorite.
Since words can only do so much, here is another “Sid Vid” that demonstates Sid’s snake hunting destroying skills.
By the way, the music featured is Brooklyn’s own Baby Soda who I caught the other night at Bar Bès. They play really great old-time toe-tappin’ jazz.