Halloween Recap!

Sid was a shark.

Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking.  Does a shark hoodie that Sid already wears all the time really count as a Halloween costume?  Shouldn’t Brian and I, two seemingly creative people with endless time on our hands, be able to put together something a little more special?  Pug Vigoda, say?  Or Pugs Moleman?  Or Pugs Moleman dressed as Bart Simpson?

Well, what if we told you there was a matching PENGUIN in the house?

And what if we told you that Penguin’s name was TIMOTHY BUTTONS?!

That’s right.  A few weeks ago, we discovered that Timothy has a Penguin hoodie made by the same brand that makes Sid’s shark’s hoodie.  When fate presents you with a perfect marine-based halloween theme for your pug and his girlfriend, a theme which requires no output of money or effort, you listen to fate:

True, penguins and sharks don’t exactly get along in the wild:

File photo illustrating the universally-feared Great White Shark’s feelings of mild annoyance toward the universally-loved Emperor Penguin.

But Sid and Timothy used this opportunity to present an alternate reality – an aquatic utopia in which penguin and shark coexist harmoniously, like the yin and the yang of the sea:

In this utopia, when the shark licks the penguin, the penguin licks him right back:

In this utopia, sharks and penguins spend their evenings slow-dancing to the operatic wailing of the humpback whale:

In this utopia, sharks and penguins have mutually-beneficial, symbiotic goals; by working together to conquer the humans, the shark hopes to gain control of the treat supply while the penguin hopes to gain a better vantage point from which she can lick sharks:

But just when our aquatic utopia was becoming a reality, Sid overheard a small child on the street say “TRICK OR TREAT.” It was then that Sid put two and two together and realized that today was THE DAY when all of our neighbors were HANDING OUT TREATS.  FOR FREE.  And all that you needed to do to get these treats was WEAR A COSTUME.

The flap-flip of stubborn indignation was immediately deployed:

To be continued…

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4 Responses to “Halloween Recap!”

  1. avatar Payton Says:

    Hi Sid! As I was reading and smiling, I kept saying “oh, this picture is the best…no, this one…no, it’s this one for sure…” I gave up! They are all so gosh darn cute! I can’t wait to see how you top this! I’m on the edge of my seat for more Sid and Timothy Halloween delights! And I hope that it includes some yummy treats for you (or else some trickory on your peeps!).
    PS. My post today is about the flap-flip…inspired by you, of course!

  2. avatar Noodles Says:

    Shark Boy and Paddle Girl! As we say in California – Dude!! You so totally Rock!
    The hoodie costumes look so comfortable as well.
    Treatage is definitely due you.
    Love Noodles

  3. avatar Suzy Says:

    Miss Timothy is the cutest puggy penguin I’ve ever seen!

  4. avatar Kitty+Coco Says:

    Ok, well, you get a pass due to the perfect oppotunity of same-brand hoodies. It is NOT fair that all the humans keep saying TREAT without following through. Come on people! I never get tired of seeing pics of you and Ms. Buttons. Young pug love..ahhh.