Archive for November, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Please leave any and all leftovers in my bed. Thank you.


Hello Windy City

Sid did extremely well on his flight from NYC to Chicago. It actually wasn’t nearly as stressful as the first time he went on a plane. This time I was prepared! He was getting smiles left and right as he strolled through both airports and a few people even asked to get a picture of him (without even being aware of his internet fame! LOL).

Since I didn’t have room to bring the entire Sid Accessory Kit™ with me on the plane, he even managed to obtain ANOTHER brand new bed, despite just getting one for his Birthday in October. As you can see in the photo below, he approves of the new bed.

Just Chillin’

Hey everyone!

Sorry we’ve been a bit absent from the blog-o-sphere lately. There’s been a lot going on at the PugSlope HQ and Sid has been doing his best to unwind amidst all the commotion.

As you can plainly see, he’s having no trouble doing so.

We’re actually getting ready for a trip to Chicago so he can visit his grand-pug-rents, fur-cousins, and other relations for the holidays. This will be his SECOND trip via air, so of course I’m a little on edge. Luckily, “Mr. Cool” seems plenty confident due to the wings he received from Suki on the occasion of his first flight last year. Plus, I think he remembers last year that while on the plane in his travel bag he received a stready stream of treats.

“Uh, did someone say the ‘T’ word?”