Happy Thanksgiving!

Please leave any and all leftovers in my bed. Thank you.


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9 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. avatar Southern Fried Pugs Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Sid!

  2. avatar Meredith LeBlanc Says:

    Happy Turkeyday Sweet Sid!

    Meredith & Scarlet

  3. avatar Mopsje Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful I get to follow all your shenanigans on Pug Slope.

  4. avatar Payton's mom Says:

    Sid, I hope you and your family had a great day and that you were surprised with some yummy treats in your bed. 😉

  5. avatar Urban Hounds Says:

    Oh Sid, who could resist we are so thankful for your adventures

    urban hounds

  6. avatar Eddie the Pug Says:

    My pawrents are in Brooklyn for TG week! They would have planned a meet up date with you…but you are in Chicago! They have been having do much fun taking Stella Boo for walks and to MCarren Park…Happy TG and have a safe flight home:)
    Licks and Sniffs,

  7. avatar Bunk Says:

    Hi Sid!

    I have not heard from you in a while and so was just making sure everything is going well. I am doing wonderfully in my world. I had a lovely vegetarian thanksgiving, and of course I shared some of my food with my humans.

    Miss ya, bud! Hope to hear from you soon.



  8. avatar Sandy Williamsx Says:

    Sid, what kind and what size carrier did you use to fly on the airplane? I am about Puglet’s size and we need to fly but my human doesn’t know what she needs for me. I’m sure I could be happy just sitting on a seat but my human is a spoil sport and she says ‘NOoooo’

    Charlie the Pug

  9. avatar Sandy Williams Says:

    Sid, what kind and what size carrier did you use to fly on the airplane? I am about Puglet’s size and we need to fly but my human doesn’t know what she needs for me. I’m sure I could be happy just sitting on a seat but my human is a spoil sport and she says ‘NOoooo’

    Charlie the Pug