I Protest

I hope you guys remembered to turn your clocks forward yesterday!

Sid was rather perturbed when he discovered that one whole hour of his precious naptime had been whisked away right under his nose.

I tried to negotiate with him and offered him a few BC’s (Baby Carrots) to make up for the lost hour but he said that my offer was unacceptable (he did still eat the carrots though).

He told me that he’s going to protest this stolen hour by sleeping the ENTIRE day today – aside from the standard meal and poop breaks. I’m not sure how this differs from his normal daily activities, but I told him I’d support him in his cause.

Care to join Sid in protest by sleeping all day?

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3 Responses to “I Protest”

  1. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ Says:

    Scarlet chose not to sleep all night last night in protest. Sigh.

    Meredith & Scarlet

  2. avatar urban hounds Says:

    we protest too we had to drag mom out of bed this morning

    urban hounds

  3. avatar Payton's mom Says:

    Sounds like you had the right idea Sid. D&D were excited to eat an hour earlier though.