Surf’s Up

This weekend, Sid and I took a road trip to visit our friends “Aunt” Anna and “Uncle” Andrew at Delmonte Lake up in Wisconsin. We had taken a trip up there a couple months ago and Sid had taken a refreshing dip in the lake. The weather was quite a bit cooler this time around, so unfortunately, swimming was out of the question. Instead we opted for a ride around the lake on a “surf bike” with Anna.

As you can see, the surf bike is basically two surfboards fused together with bicycle seats and pedals to power the propellers below. It’s actually a lot more stable than I had expected. Sid was a bit reluctant to board at first, but once he got his “lake legs” he had no trouble keeping his balance.

See, he even laid down for part of the excursion. And there weren’t even any treats on board!

After the aquatic adventure, the humans played some poker while Sid kept an eye on the poker chips. He quickly lost interest though when he realized the chips were not edible. He did however get ample amounts of baby carrots which lifted his spirits.

It was a really nice escape from the hustle and bustle of the windy city. Thank you to Anna and Andrew for such a fun time!

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6 Responses to “Surf’s Up”

  1. avatar Eddie the Pug Says:

    Lookin as handsome as ever Mr. Sid:)

  2. avatar urban hounds Says:

    what a fun outing. Im super impressed Sid stayed so calm on the surf bike

    urban hounds

  3. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ (@MeredithLeBlanc) Says:

    Would you call that your poker face Handsome Sid?

    Meredith & Scarlet

  4. avatar Punchbugpug Says:

    wow, that looks crazy fun!

  5. avatar Payton's mom Says:

    Is there anything that you can’t do, Sid?!? Glad you had a fun weekend even if you didn’t get to swim.

  6. avatar Idaho PugRanch Says:

    Love the picture of you and your dad Sid!
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta