Wet Food Rulez

Halloooo all you beautiful denizens of Pug Slope!

Thank you all for your support during my grueling 24-hour fast and dental exam last week. Although I lost a few bad teeth I’m feeling much better and have quickly resumed most of my usual activities.


See, I’m already back to chewing on my plush potatoes. I can’t have anything too tough yet though. Can you believe my Dad thinks my Kong and Wigzi ball fall into the “too tough” category?! Dad, they are MADE OF RUBBER for cryin’ out loud!

I guess I can’t really complain though because in lieu of my lunchtime Wigzi or Kong, I’ve been playing the “Find It!” game every day around noon. How it works is that my dad cuts up a couple baby carrots into tiny pieces (so I can just suck ’em down instead of trying to chew them since I still have some stiches in my mouth) and then makes me go sit in my bed. I get all psyched up and start spinning around at that point because as soon as he yells “FIND IT!” he chucks all the b.c. chunks into the air and then then I go on a “seek and destroy” or rather “seek and devour” mission. Unlike the Kong or Wigzi, which takes me like 20 mins, this game usually only lasts about 45 seconds (much to my Dad’s dismay). What can I say, I was born to suck down baby carrot chunks.

Oh and finally, WET FOOD RULEZ! I get so amped up whenever I hear a can being opened now. I don’t know how I’m going to go back to dry dog food next week. Actually, who am I kidding? I’ll eat anything: wet or dry, warm or cold, safe or UNSAFE. I’m certainly not picky.

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5 Responses to “Wet Food Rulez”

  1. avatar retro rover Says:

    Wet food is tasty and you look like you are enjoying that potato

    retro rover

  2. avatar Idaho PugRanch Says:

    I need to have Mom find me some of those plush potato’s. I mean we live in Idaho the State of potatoes, you would think it would not be too hard. Glad you are easing back to normal Sid!
    Bailey & Hazel too

  3. avatar tweedles Says:

    I wish I could have a little bit of soft food too. The softest that I get is bananna,, Do you likes banana?

  4. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ (@MeredithLeBlanc) Says:

    Plush potatoes rock! But the lack of Kong and Wigzi does NOT.

    Big Kisses Handsome Sid!

    Meredith & Scarlet

  5. avatar Southern Fried Pugs Says:

    Give it time, Sid. You’ll be back on the Kong soon. In the meantime, enjoy that wet food! Glad you are recovering nicely.