Playin’ it Cool

With the hot weather starting to reach its peak, it’s very important to keep our little pug buddy comfortable. We keep the A/C on in our apartment (even when he’s just home alone), avoid mid-day walks, and bring our handy kleen kanteen along with a portable nylon water dish when we go to the park for off-leash hours in order to keep Sid thoroughly hydrated.

What tips do you have for keeping your furry friend cool during the summer?


4 Responses to “Playin’ it Cool”

  1. avatar Noodles Says:

    Hi Sid, We loves loves loves our walks but sometimes it gets pretty hot here. So Mommy always brings water for the both of us and a ShamWow that she wets, wrings out and puts in a ziplock baggie. That way if I do overheat she can chill me down right away by draping the cloth over me. It works really well.
    I am sooooooooooo GLAD Summer is finally here.
    Love Noodles

  2. avatar Payton Says:

    Sid, you are just adorable! I have to avoid the outside if it gets much over 85 degrees, but the Frogg Togg works pretty good and like you, I drink plenty of water…or my parents use it to wet me down a bit! Keep having fun at the park and have a great weekend!

  3. avatar Mochi Says:

    Hi Sid,
    My mommy brought a vest that she soaks in ice cold water and I wear it to cool down.

  4. avatar Mary Demski Says:

    Hi Brian,
    Do you remember what we did for our rabbit Buckwheat? I took a pop or water bottle and filled it and froze it. She loved to lay by it to keep cool on hot days. I rotated the bottles and always had one on hand.
    Love, Mom