Pug in a Blanket

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4 Responses to “Pug in a Blanket”

  1. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ Says:

    Scarlet was just doing the same thing with her woobie last night! She also likes to sleep all the way under the covers with us, which does help to muffle her truck driver snores…

    Silly Puggies
    Meredith & Scarlet

  2. avatar Noodles Says:

    Sid – I can totally see you pout THROUGH the blankie!
    Love Noodles

  3. avatar Payton Says:

    Sid, it’s almost like you were auditioning for a remake of ET. I don’t like to have my head under the covers, but that binkie of yours sure does look soft and comfy!

  4. avatar Urban Hounds Says:

    Hee hee Sid, very cute. Our cat Baby loves to hid under all the covers of the bed and she curls up so she just looks like a lump in the blanket, a few times she has been sat on, but she still does it!