Sid’s Little Pony

So, some local genius set up a pet boutique called Paws in Paradise next to a Mexican restaurant that serves $4 margaritas. We basically bought a million toys for Sid that night, including this lovely lass:

The pink pony was a risky, possibly-tequila-induced choice, but apparently our judgement was rock solid.  Derpy, as we’ve named her, instantly moved to the top of the toy hierarchy. Move over, potato, Sid’s a pink pony man now.

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6 Responses to “Sid’s Little Pony”

  1. avatar Payton Says:

    Hi Sid! I’m glad you like your little pony. And we all know that secure, strong men can like pink, but something tells me you aren’t going to be happy that your mom outed you in public! I see a pug rant, Sid-style, in our future, and I can’t wait! But I hope you know that this in no way tarnishes your most handsome status, and in fact, probably helps to set it in stone because of that charming smile!
    Ps. I wish that there was a pet boutique close to us do my ‘rents would go a little toy (and treat) crazy too!

  2. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ Says:

    OOO oooo! Paws raised for a Sid-the-Macho-Pug rant! But that is one cute pony Handsome.

    Meredith & Scarlet

  3. avatar Noodles Says:

    Hi Sid
    I love the toy and you look so happy with it. What does it matter what color it is? You’re gonna shred it eventually anyhow!
    Love Noodles

  4. avatar Suzy Says:

    Yeah, Derpy’s gonna be de-stuffed in no time so who cares if she’s (he’s?) pink 🙂

  5. avatar Urban Hounds Says:

    A cool guy like you can definitely carry of Pink, nothing can call your manliness into question when you can do cool moves like those shown in your potato video

    Urban Hounds

  6. avatar Southern Fried Pugs Says:

    That’s a fab toy, Sid, no matter the color.