Snow Day

Not sure how everyone else fared, but Chicago didn’t get hit too hard with snow from what was supposed to be a “huge” storm. In fact, the sun is actually out (a welcome sight after like 2 weeks of overcast days) and the snow will probably be gone by this afternoon! I made sure Sid got a chance to hang out (and eat) the snow before it vanished.

Looking forward to seeing some family this weekend and the “Holiday Magic” lights at the nearby Brookfield Zoo. Hope you all have a great weekend!

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7 Responses to “Snow Day”

  1. avatar Meredith LeBlanc ૐ Says:

    Sid, you look so festive with the snowman and the ornaments in the tree! Scarlet likes to eat snow too, I think she thinks its ice cream…

    Meredith & Scarlet

  2. avatar Idaho PugRanch Says:

    Hee Hee I like to eat the snow too!!!
    Merry Christmas Sid and peeps!
    Bailey & Hazel too

  3. avatar Payton's Gampy Says:

    Sid, looking very manly sitting there in the snow. Have the most merry of holidays!
    P.S. Gammy says somebody better grab that lead or she will fly up there and wisk you away! : )


  4. avatar Suki Says:

    Hi Sid,
    That’s my kind of snow. Stay warm my friend. Mom, Arnie & Gracie’s parents went to the Fort Wort zoo @ Thanksgiving while we watched over the turkey. Mom loves the zoo, her favorite is the St. Louis zoo.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. avatar Urban Hounds Says:

    Adorable pic

  6. avatar Payton's mom Says:

    Hey Sid! Is that a new hoodie? Looks so good on you and very festive! I’m so glad that we didn’t get much snow, but it’s so cold and windy here, you’d think we were in Chicago.

  7. avatar Mochi Says:

    Hi Sid
    Merry Christmas from us here. Hope there was a cushion where you are sitting.

    Mochi, Macho, Marshmallow and the humans