Posts Tagged ‘catch’

Blueberry Harvesting

I know it’s not blueberry-picking season or anything (I am doubtful that any vegetation survived the “Polar Vortex” that whipped through Pug Slope last week) but Sid told me he’s been honing his blueberry harvesting technique and wanted to present a demonstration video for curious pugs out there that may want to study the ancient pug art of snatching tiny berries mid-air.

Without further adieu…

Injured Human = More Carrots

Hey all GentlePugs and LadyPugs out there – I learned something new today.

If your human gets injured, you get extra carrots!

Um, hang on. I don’t think I explained that well enough. Let me start over. See, my dad injured his foot over the weekend and now he can’t walk very well. This mean he can’t go on long walks with me, so my brief walks have been supplemented by indoor activities including – my favorite – Baby Carrot Catch!

You all know about my OBSESSION with baby carrots (I mean, just look at my masthead). And you are probably also aware of my other passion which is catching objects in mid-air. Potatoes, tiny frogsraw squeakers, you name it. I can catch ’em all. So this is, by definition, my FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF ALL TIME.

Actually if peanut butter were somehow involved…hmmm.

Anyway, so now, while my dad is in one-leg mode, I have a B.C.C. session at least once a day!

Here’s a little video demonstration so you can gaze upon the awesomeness.