It started off as a typical Sunday afternoon. I had just finished my dinner (yeah, I eat dinner at 4:15 PM sharp) and was about to take my post-dinner nap when all of a sudden I was interrupted by my dad rummaging around in the closet. Being the curious pug that I am, I had to check out what the heck was going on.
Out flies my red travel bag. Ok – are we going flying again? Or on the subway? Then comes a big towel – oh crap, am I getting a bath today? Then my EXTRA LONG extendable leash. Wait, I have one of those? Before I knew what was going on, I was sitting at the bus stop in my travel bag.
While in on the bus, my mind was racing – I’ve never gone to the vet on the bus, we walk to Urban Pooch where I get my baths, and when I visit my grandpugrents we have to rent a car. What kind of crazy trip was I being taken on?! Well, our destination became clear as soon as I heard the seagulls squawking and the waves crashing: We were AT THE BEACH!

I hopped out of my travel and immediately sprinted to the water. The water was pretty frigid so I just dipped my toes in for a bit then laid out in the sand to soak up some sun.

My dad tried to get me to play fetch with a mini tennis ball, but since he didn’t have any treats there was no way I was going to bring it back to him (Dad still needs to read Urban Hounds instruction for how to teach a human to play fetch – TREATS ARE REQUIRED, POPS!). Instead I decided to create some “Beach Art”…what do you think?

(You might need to double-click to appreciate my masterpiece full size)
I had been frolicking around for a while at this point and the heat and sand and manic panting must have gotten to me because out of the haze I thought I saw ANOTHER PUG ON THE BEACH!

Turned out it wasn’t a mirage, but an actual little pug named Ginger. I ran over and said hi. She comes to Foster Beach pretty often so she showed me where the good spots to pee were. We sat in the shade and split a bowl of cool water (Please don’t tell T-Buttz, she’ll kill me!).
Before we left, I showed my dad my best impression of an Egyptian Sphinx:

Pretty good, right? BOL!
After all that running around, can you believe my dad and I walked the whole way back home?! He said it was because the temperature had dropped and it had become a “pleasant evening” but I just think he was too cheap to pay the $2 bus fare! I was POOPED by the time we got home.