Posts Tagged ‘goals’

Pug Productivity

Hello furrriends!

It’s Sid here with you today! My Dad has been in work and project mode a lot lately which unfortunately means less pug adventure time.

Anyway, I’m not gonna be blue about it and decided instead to start using this extra “me” time to become a more productive pug.


I’ve been reading productivity books, organizing all my files, watching countless youtube videos on life hacks, and pretty much freeing up as much time possible in order to pursue my main life goal: OBTAIN ALL OF THE TREATS.

Based on what I’ve gathered thus far, the key is to eliminate all those unnecessary things in life — you know, like visits to the vet, daily walks, obeying commands from your human — in order to get what you want out of life. I feel like a brand new pug!

I’d tell you more about it but I just got an alert from my calendar that it’s time for another treat…see ya!