Posts Tagged ‘masthead’

A Funny Feeling

Hey Slope-o-philes!

Sid here today closing out this week. I hope everyone has something fun going on this weekend!

So guys, the other day on my walk I got this peculiar feeling. A feeling like I was being watched.


Has that ever happened to you? And I don’t mean that usual weird feeling of your human watching you while you poop. I’d already instructed my dad long ago to look away while I do my business so I can have a little privacy. This was something different.

I don’t know, I just had this funny feeling of eyes peering at me. I just can’t figure out why. Hmm…


P.S. How do you like my NEW MASTHEAD?! It has been a while since I changed it and I had such a fun day at the beach last Friday I thought I’d use a picture from that adventure. I hope you like it!

Les Feuilles Mortes

The leaves have finally started changing color in a major way here in Chicago so I figured it was about time for a new seasonally-appropriate masthead as you loyal Pug Slopers have come to expect.

I was finally able to appease Sid after his “Poop Strike” on Halloween, but it took a large quantity of his favorite treats. We’re talking a steady flow of apple chunks, peanut butter, baby carrots, and venison jerky. I think I finally got him back on my side (for how long, I do not know).

We ventured out to the park for Sid’s early morning stroll and snapped a few photos while we were there. The colors were amazing.

Sid loved rummaging through the fallen leaves. I suppose they either smelled really interesting or he thought they might be hiding some giant stockpile of treats underneath.

So what do you think of the new masthead?


Since the summer solstice occurred this past weekend, along with the superb Supermoon, Sid and I felt it was time for a new masthead for summer.

The previous masthead photo had been taken when it was like 10 degrees outside and Sid had been wearing no less than 2 layers of fleece. It was definitely time for a change.

We swung over to the park for a little summer masthead photo session.

Ever the seasoned professional, Sid nailed the poses right away and we were back home in no time. As per his contract, Sid received three belly rubs and one Wigzi ball stuffed with treats and peanut butter. Although now it seems he wants to renegotiate in order to include refills.

“Yo! I need a refill!”


Sid has been nagging me to change the masthead for a while now.

He said the background of hundreds of baby carrots was a mixed blessing. Yes, he LOVES baby carrots, but he said he couldn’t stand to visit the blog because it always made him insanely hungry (I suspect a few of you other pug readers felt the same way). So we decided to go with our original vision of changing the masthead along with the seasons.

We headed to Winnemac Park to get an outdoor photo that would capture the season and arctic temps we’ve been having. Much to our dismay the weekend we picked was snowless so the photos failed to convey the “dead of winter” concept (but at least this masthead won’t seem out of place come April, right?).


The lack of snow did allow us more time outside though as Sid isn’t a fan of long walks when it’s 17 degrees out and he can’t get any traction on the icy sidewalks. He preferred the photo above because he has more ‘tude going on. While I thought his tail did look amazing in that photo, I suggested a profile shot. I told him he would appear more “regal” in profile which instantly won him over to the idea.

What do you guys think?

P.S. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Time to get out and romp around a bit, right?!