Posts Tagged ‘Suki’

Just Chillin’

Hey everyone!

Sorry we’ve been a bit absent from the blog-o-sphere lately. There’s been a lot going on at the PugSlope HQ and Sid has been doing his best to unwind amidst all the commotion.

As you can plainly see, he’s having no trouble doing so.

We’re actually getting ready for a trip to Chicago so he can visit his grand-pug-rents, fur-cousins, and other relations for the holidays. This will be his SECOND trip via air, so of course I’m a little on edge. Luckily, “Mr. Cool” seems plenty confident due to the wings he received from Suki on the occasion of his first flight last year. Plus, I think he remembers last year that while on the plane in his travel bag he received a stready stream of treats.

“Uh, did someone say the ‘T’ word?”

Sid Finally Gets a Pair!

First, a little back story:

When we flew Southwest over the holiday, we neglected to get Sid his first pair of wings. This was unfortunate but strategic.  Our Sherpa bag was slightly larger than the official airline-approved model, and as we were stepping onto the plane an eagle-eyed flight attendent said, “That dog bag is too big.  Have you flown with it before?”  Without hesitation I said, “yes” – we’d made it onto the plane at that point, and there was no way we were turning back!  My involuntary lie, though, meant that we felt funny about asking for Sid’s official Southwest wings to commemorate his first flight.

Cut to last week, when Sid received ANOTHER package in the mail. (I think the pug gets more mail than us, these days!)

This one came from the amazing Suki, and Sid couldn’t wait to open it.  Inside was a photo and a note from Suki, along with a fancy lil’ box.

Inside the box?


Apparently Sid left a comment on Suki’s blog about how we bozos neglected to get him his wings, and Suki set out to correct this egregious error. She must have connections in high places, because they are OFFICIAL wings from Southwest Airlines!

Sid could barely contain his excitement!

Get this pug behind the wheel of a jumbo jet!  He’s earned his wings!

 Thank you, Suki, for such an amazing and thoughtful gift!