Posts Tagged ‘winter’

Snow Cone

Thank you all for sending the good pug juju! I’m sure it is helping heal Sid’s eye abrasion.

How about all this snow?! It certainly is incredible. We went from zero inches to about 20 in just one day (Sunday). Personally I think it’s amazing. Although I’d imagine I might be feeling different if I didn’t work from home and had to attempt to commute through the snow. Many cars parked on the streets are still deeply buried and may stay that way until Spring.


If you’re wondering why Sid has a salad container on his head, it’s my latest invention – the STOUT SNOUT CONE (patent pending)! See, a regular-length cone is fine for dogs that have normal size snouts, but flat-faced breeds have no joy when trying to sniff out the ideal “business spot”; they just can’t get close enough to the target. With the STOUT SNOUT CONE, your flat-faced friend can sniff the trees with ease. What do you think?!

The Blues

Hi everyone!

Hope you are all doing well. I have to admit, I’ve been a little down in the dumps lately. I think my vitamin D levels might be low or I’ve got a case of seasonal affective disorder or something. It’s been grey and rainy here, day after day, so every time I go out for my walks I end up getting wet and muddy. And to top it off, I saw my human take his suitcase out of the closet last night but I didn’t see him packing any of MY THINGS.


I think all that led to an upset tummy because I was releasing “deadly” gas last night according to my Dad. Blargh. Well, I guess after my awesome Thanksgiving that things had to balance out somehow, you know. Luckily, I’ve got my floppy monkey to help me feel better.

Any tips for picking up your spirits? I guess I am actually a bit excited for my Dad’s trip, because even though he will gone for a few days, my pug sitter is AMAZING and I usually get as many baby carrots as I like. Wait. That was supposed to be our little secret. EEP! Hopefully my Dad won’t read this post. I’ll have to go distract him by being cute and cuddly.

Guardian the Frozen Tundra

So, guys, I woke up yesterday morning, hopped out the door for my morning walk, and check out what I saw:


Is it just Chicago or is it like this EVERYWHERE? Who let the snow out?


I actually enjoy the snow as long as it’s not too cold outside and I’m properly bundled up. Oh, and I know it looks like I’m surrounded by a field of delicious Pringles, but let me tell you THEY ARE SADLY NOT PRINGLES. They’re just yucky-tasting leaves. Yeah, I know, I thought one of my dreams had finally come true…

So, I moved on ever hopeful I might discover the motherload of frozen tasty morsels.


Unfortunately, no goodies were found. But I did get an idea for a screenplay, tentatively titled “Siddhartha Lamont: Guardian of the Frozen Tundra” which will star yours truly (naturally) and will take place in Chicago because it’s the coldest place I’ve ever lived. I’ve only got the title so far, but I’ve got a suspicion that I’m going to have PLENTY of time to work on the script while I’m cooped up indoors for the next 4 months or so.


What do you think? You think some studio will produce it? Do you think I can pull of the lead pug role? Although I’m 9, I’ve been told I can play 6 or 7. And finally, what the heck is tundra anyway?


Sid’s been working on his impressions lately (yeah, that’s what happens when you are stuck inside all winter!) and the first one he’s trying to get under his belt is Popeye.


The likeness is uncanny, isn’t it? I suggested he replace the Wigzi ball with a pipe to complete the look. He agreed as long as the pipe was filled with peanut butter. He also said he’s willing to start eating spinach – although I could have predicted that.

He tells me next up on his list is Marlon Brando from “The Godfather”…

Long Shadows


Don’t you just love when the days start getting longer? Although it’s still pretty dang cold out here (no warm temps on the horizon either), it just seems much more bearable when the sun is still out during Sid’s post-dinner walk.

At Your Service

If you’re ever in need of someone to lead an expedition to uncharted territories in search of exotic scents and treats, I’m your man.


I am Siddhartha Lamont, Polar Explorer. At your service.


I don’t come cheap. My reward is the awesome thrill that comes only from conquering harsh conditions and surviving adventures in exotic locales.* Don’t settle with sub-par explorers, hire the best: Siddartha Lamont, Polar Explorer Par Excellence!

(* I do also accept payment in the form of baby carrots.)

You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me

Nope, that’s not a doctored screen shot. The terms “Chiberia“, “Polar Vortex“, and “Frozen Tundra” get tossed around so casually, let’s just say it’s pretty freakin’ cold here. In fact my typing has slowed down by about 50% due to semi-numb fingers. And I’m indoors.

This photo of Sid was taken a few days earlier when it was relatively pleasant outside. You know, like a balmy 20 degrees. In fact, I think I was wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

I didn’t dare put Sid through the extra seconds it would have taken to snap a photo outside yesterday or today. Sid has perfected zipping out to the backyard, takin’ care of business, and zipping back inside (for a treat of course). He’s been a real trooper. I set up wee-wee pads for him, but he’s a got a bladder of steel and refuses to go in the house (trust me, I’m not complaining).

We hope everyone else has been staying warm and staying indoors – preferably in Snuggies. We’ve been under blankets as much as possible. I even cooked dinner while wearing my puffy winter coat indoors. Looking forward to when we get back above zero!